
Management Consulting

Corporate Management - Creating Transparency, Making the Right Decisions

"When it's hard to choose bet­ween two op­ti­ons, you should al­ways go for the right one!" This quip by the Aus­trian come­dian Karl Kraus ac­cu­ra­tely de­scri­bes the chal­lenge of run­ning a busi­ness: ha­ving to make de­ci­si­ons de­spite un­cer­tainty.

In or­der to fol­low Kraus's ad­vice, your need in­for­ma­tion that pro­vi­des cla­rity and re­du­ces any re­mai­ning "white spots" to the fe­west pos­si­ble. The in­for­ma­tion on which you base your de­ci­si­ons needs to be ag­gre­ga­ted or highly de­tai­led, quickly avail­able and, above all, re­lia­ble. Ef­fec­tive cor­po­rate ma­nage­ment does just that: it ma­kes the per­for­mance of your com­pany vi­si­ble.

Stee­ring your com­pany is the task of ma­nage­ment. Ma­nage­ment must de­fine goals for your com­pany that enhance ad­ded va­lue and ma­xi­mize use of re­sour­ces, al­ways ma­king the right de­ci­si­ons as they do so. This doesn't mean that they have to have all the num­bers - they just need the right ones!

De­si­gning and im­ple­men­ting pro­fes­sio­nal, cu­st­omi­zed ma­nage­ment stra­te­gies that meet your ma­na­gers' needs and per­fec­ting your exis­ting ma­nage­ment pro­ce­du­res - that's what Eb­ner Stolz is all about.

Our services at a glance

  • Sys­tems and Or­ga­niza­tion
  • Plan­ning and Ta­xa­tion Pro­ces­ses
  • Pro­fi­ta­bi­lity Ana­ly­sis and Ma­nage­ment
  • Smart Fi­nan­ci­als
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