
Legal Advice

Antitrust Law and Intellectual Property Rights

Of­ten, the va­lue of a com­pany also con­sists of in­tan­gi­ble as­sets such as in­tel­lec­tual pro­perty, know-how, re­gis­te­red rights, a cu­st­omer base, and a strong re­pu­ta­tion. La­bo­riously de­ve­lo­ped pro­ducts can be se­ver­ely im­pai­red or crow­ded out of the mar­ket by lo­wer-qua­lity copies.

The com­pany’s own po­si­tion in the mar­ket can be wea­ke­ned by com­pe­ti­tors ta­king un­fair ad­van­tage. Ca­re­less ma­nage­ment of know-how or trade se­crets can cause per­ma­nent da­mage to a com­pany.

We'll help you pro­tect your ideas, brands, de­signs, co­py­right, and pa­tents as ef­fec­tively as pos­si­ble, ad­vi­sing and re­pre­sen­ting you in the glo­bal ac­qui­si­tion of rights and de­fense against tra­de­mark of­fices as well as in le­gal pro­cee­dings.

We'll ad­vise and re­pre­sent you in is­sues of com­pe­ti­tion law and dis­pu­tes. We'll be right by your side when you need to fight com­pe­ti­tors’ un­fair busi­ness prac­tices, or to de­fend your­self against su­spi­ci­ons of dis­tor­ting com­pe­ti­tion, for ex­am­ple by price-fi­xing.

Our range of con­sul­ting ser­vices be­gins long be­fore any dis­pute ari­ses. We can ad­vise you on any le­gal mat­ters in de­ve­lo­ping your ad­ver­ti­sing and mar­ke­ting stra­tegy, to keep them safe from com­pe­ti­tors’ at­tacks and to make sure the be­ne­fits of a suc­cess­ful stra­tegy don’t go un­pro­tec­ted. If you’re plan­ning to make agree­ments with com­pe­ti­tors, we’ll as­sist you in com­ply­ing with an­ti­trust re­qui­re­ments.

Our services at a glance

  • Le­gal ad­vice in de­ve­lo­ping ad­ver­ti­sing and mar­ke­ting stra­te­gies
  • As­sis­tance with warning let­ters re­sul­ting from un­fair com­pe­ti­tion
  • Ex­ami­ning web­si­tes and web shops for com­pli­ance with com­pe­ti­tion law
  • Ad­vi­sing on In­ter­net law and e-com­merce law
  • Ac­qui­ring and en­for­cing in­tel­lec­tual pro­perty rights (pa­tents, tra­de­marks, de­signs, co­py­right)
  • Dra­wing up and re­viewing li­cense agree­ments
  • Pro­tec­ting and de­fen­ding trade se­crets (pos­si­bly in con­junc­tion with GBIT, the IT Tes­ting di­vi­sion at Eb­ner Stolz) for IT se­cu­rity is­sues
    Le­gal re­pre­sen­ta­tion
  • Ad­vi­sing on agree­ments with com­pe­ti­tors that may have an­ti­trust im­pli­ca­ti­ons (e.g., sa­les agree­ments, li­cense agree­ments, coope­ra­tion agree­ments)
  • Ad­vi­sing on and re­pre­sen­ta­tion in an­ti­trust dis­pu­tes
  • Plan­ning and exe­cu­ting mer­ger con­trol pro­cee­dings

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