

Technology Consulting Process Optimization with Cloud ERP NetSuite

Mo­der­ni­zing their tech­no­lo­gi­cal in­fra­struc­ture is a chal­lenge that many com­pa­nies must over­come to be ef­fi­ci­ent and com­pe­ti­tive in an ever-chan­ging mar­ket en­viron­ment. Our fo­cus is on op­ti­mi­zing busi­ness pro­ces­ses with the help of Net­Suite, a lea­ding cloud-ba­sed ERP so­lu­tion. With our Net­Suite ex­per­tise, we se­am­lessly in­te­grate key pro­ces­ses such as purchasing, warehou­sing, ma­nu­fac­tu­ring, supply chain, sa­les, e-com­merce, fi­nan­cial ma­nage­ment and cu­st­omer ser­vice.

Th­rough our many years of ex­per­tise in tech­no­logy con­sul­ting and Net­Suite, we help com­pa­nies op­ti­mize their pro­ces­ses, in­crease ef­fi­ci­en­cies, re­duce costs and im­prove pro­duc­tivity and re­spon­siv­en­ess. Our goal is to help you im­ple­ment a fle­xi­ble, scalable tech­no­logy so­lu­tion that is per­fectly tailo­red to your busi­ness ob­jec­tives. In this way, we pro­mote your sus­tai­nable growth in an in­cre­asin­gly di­gi­ta­li­zed world.

We of­fer pro­cess op­ti­miza­tion so­lu­ti­ons with Net­Suite for a wide range of chal­len­ges faced by mid-si­zed com­pa­nies - whe­ther you are a fast-gro­wing start-up, or an in­ter­na­tio­nal group of com­pa­nies:

  • You may be fa­cing the pro­blem of out­da­ted, on-pre­mise ap­pli­ca­ti­ons whose sup­port may be com­ing to an end.
  • You may be strugg­ling with dif­fe­rent ap­pli­ca­ti­ons that don't in­te­grate ef­fi­ci­ently with each other.
  • Your fi­nance team has to com­pen­sate for weak­nes­ses in your fi­nan­cial sys­tem th­rough ma­nual, time-con­su­ming, and of­ten re­pe­ti­tive pro­ces­ses.
  • You may lack trans­pa­rency or have li­mited re­por­ting ca­pa­bi­li­ties.
  • You are loo­king for ways to in­crease ef­fi­ci­ency while re­du­cing costs.
  • You may be in a stage of ra­pid ex­pan­sion and need more ad­van­ced sys­tems.
  • Or you may have re­cently com­ple­ted a carve-out and now need a new ERP sys­tem.


Net­Suite is a cloud ERP so­lu­tion that has been con­ti­nuously de­ve­lo­ped since 1998 and is cur­rently used by more than 37,000 com­pa­nies world­wide. As a com­pre­hen­sive ERP sys­tem, the plat­form sup­ports a wide range of in­dus­try-spe­ci­fic so­lu­ti­ons - in­clu­ding for soft­ware and tech­no­logy com­pa­nies, e-com­merce, who­le­sale and re­tail, in­dus­trial and ma­nu­fac­tu­ring com­pa­nies and non-pro­fit or­ga­niza­ti­ons.

The har­mo­niza­tion, stan­dar­diza­tion and in­te­gra­tion of dif­fe­rent mas­ter data, tran­sac­tions and pro­ces­ses is one of the out­stan­ding strengths of the Net­Suite ar­chi­tec­ture.

Par­ti­cu­larly no­te­wor­thy is the ap­proach of:

  • "Multi": mul­ti­ple com­pa­nies, coun­tries, cur­ren­cies and lan­gua­ges
  • "One": One ar­ti­cle, one cu­st­omer/one supplier

This enab­les the ma­nage­ment of mul­ti­ple com­pa­nies, coun­tries, cur­ren­cies and lan­gua­ges in one cen­tral ap­pli­ca­tion. Items, cu­st­omer and supplier mas­ter data is only crea­ted once and is avail­able across the board and sys­tem-wide wi­thout re­dun­dan­cies.

All users work with the same cloud soft­ware, which is ac­ces­si­ble world­wide via most in­ter­net brow­sers. Re­gu­lar re­lease up­dates en­sure that all com­pa­nies world­wide al­ways have the la­test ver­sion of Net­Suite.


is one of the lar­gest Net­Suite part­ners glo­bally. Since 2004, we have suc­cess­fully com­ple­ted more than 2,000 im­ple­men­ta­ti­ons world­wide for both small and very large pro­jects. With over 500 cer­ti­fied Net­Suite con­sul­tants in more than 15 coun­tries and all th­ree time zo­nes, we have a lo­cal pre­sence - in­clu­ding in Ger­many.

In 2023, RSM was re­co­gnized by Ora­cle for the tenth time as "World­wide So­lu­tion Part­ner of the Year". This award un­der­lines our out­stan­ding ex­per­tise and con­ti­nued suc­cess in de­li­ve­ring world-class so­lu­ti­ons to our cu­st­omers.

Our philosophy

We take the time to un­der­stand your busi­ness and your pro­ces­ses, be­cause only when we truly un­der­stand your busi­ness can we de­ve­lop cu­st­omi­zed so­lu­ti­ons that contri­bute to your suc­cess.

For us, the key to suc­cess lies in working to­ge­ther in a spi­rit of part­nership and trust. We rely on a tried-and-tes­ted set of me­thods for im­ple­men­ta­tion, pro­fes­sio­nal pro­ject ma­nage­ment and com­mu­ni­ca­tion on equal foo­ting. These va­lues form the foun­da­tion of our work and enable us to work with you to achieve the best re­sults for you.

Our services at a glance

  • Sup­port in the selec­tion of Net­Suite soft­ware (fea­si­bi­lity stu­dies)
  • Pro­cu­re­ment of ap­pro­priate Net­Suite li­cen­ses
  • Im­ple­men­ta­tion of Net­Suite in Ger­many and world­wide
  • Con­fi­gu­ra­tion of sub­si­dia­ries in Ger­many for for­eign cor­po­rate groups (lo­ca­liza­tion)
  • Re­pla­ce­ment and mi­gra­tion of DA­TEV sys­tems
  • Op­ti­miza­tion of exis­ting Net­Suite in­stal­la­ti­ons
  • De­ve­lop­ment of in­ter­faces & in­te­gra­ti­ons with other ap­pli­ca­ti­ons
  • Trai­ning and in­struc­tion of new em­ployees
  • Sup­port for exis­ting Net­Suite in­stal­la­ti­ons in Ger­many and world­wide

Our interdisciplinary consulting approach at RSM Ebner Stolz also offers additional services

  • Out­sour­ced ac­coun­ting in Net­Suite
  • Pre­pa­ra­tion of an­nual fi­nan­cial state­ments in Net­Suite
  • Per­for­mance of IT au­dits for Net­Suite in­stal­la­ti­ons


Ar­range a call­back or send us a short e-mail with your re­quest and our spe­cia­lists will be happy to help you.

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Contact Person

RSM Tech­no­logy Con­sul­ting
Kohlhöker­strasse 52
28203 Bre­men

Henning Lahrssen bei RSM Ebner Stolz Technology Consulting in Bremen

Henning Lahrssen, MBA

+49 421 98 966-988

Jan Apel, Diplom-Ökonom bei RSM Ebner Stolz Technology Consulting in Bremen

Jan Apel, Master in Economics

+49 421 98966-989