

Ham­burg is the gate­way to the world. Its har­bors have made Ham­burg the cen­tral hub for the ex­change of goods bet­ween nort­hern Eu­rope, Asia, North and South Ame­rica, and Af­rica. The Han­sea­tic city is fo­cu­sed on tra­ding and hand­ling of goods. It’s no won­der, then, that the re­gion’s key in­dus­tries are ports and lo­gistics, avia­tion and the ma­ri­time in­dus­try. All of these ope­rate with great vi­ta­lity, which is re­flec­ted in the num­ber of busi­nes­ses being foun­ded or con­ti­nuing to grow there every year.

Howe­ver, the city is far from being fo­cu­sed ex­clu­si­vely on these in­dus­tries. Due lar­gely to the help of the north Ger­man life sci­ence agency Nor­genta (est. 2003), a young and quickly gro­wing mar­ket has been ope­ning up for life sci­ence tech­no­logy, es­pe­cially its in­no­va­tive me­di­cal and bio­tech­no­logy bran­ches. And the spec­trum is roun­ded out with com­pa­nies in the food in­dus­try, me­cha­ni­cal and au­to­mo­tive en­gi­nee­ring, and of course also tou­rism.

Com­pa­nies in a lo­ca­tion as in­ter­na­tio­nally ori­en­ted as Ham­burg need a re­lia­ble part­ner who can an­swer ques­ti­ons un­der­stan­da­bly and prac­tically in the areas of ac­coun­ting, ta­xes, law and busi­ness, for is­sues both at home and ab­road. And that’s ex­actly what you will find in RSM Eb­ner Stolz. As con­sul­tants for me­dium-si­zed com­pa­nies, we can help you an­swer these ques­ti­ons and pro­vide you with the se­cu­rity and free­dom you need to de­ve­lop your busi­ness ideas. Our of­fice has about 340 col­lea­gues who are re­ady to help you, and if ne­cessary will con­sult other col­lea­gues from RSM Eb­ner Stolz’s other lo­ca­ti­ons across the na­tion. For cross-bor­der is­sues, we can call upon our re­lia­ble and ca­pable part­ners from our in­ter­na­tio­nal net­work, which helps us to en­sure that our con­sul­ting ser­vices co­ver all ba­ses.

Hamburg© Thinkstock


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