
Legal Advice

Legal Compliance

Do you have all the legal requirements on anti-corruption, antitrust law, money laundering prevention, IT security and data protection, capital market law, product safety, tax and public procurement law and export control on your radar - or do you quickly get into a tailspin?

Re­spon­si­ble cor­po­rate go­ver­nance is no lon­ger pos­si­ble wi­thout le­gal com­pli­ance struc­tures. Too many risks exist in all areas of busi­ness law - from A for la­bor law to Z for cu­st­oms law. On the safe side is who is see­king sup­port in the area of le­gal com­pli­ance. Be­cause the ma­nage­ment, no mat­ter how good it is, is not able to have the com­pli­ance risks in all areas of law on the screen and to cope with any spe­cial si­tua­ti­ons that may arise.

In com­pli­ance mat­ters, pre­ven­tion is al­ways bet­ter than af­ter­care: be­cause tailor-made le­gal com­pli­ance has a pre­ven­tive ef­fect by avo­iding vio­la­ti­ons of the law, mi­ni­mi­zing the com­pany's lia­bi­lity risks and pre­ven­ting da­mage to its re­pu­ta­tion. At the same time, si­gni­fi­cant ad­ded va­lue can be rea­li­zed by in­cre­asing ef­fi­ci­ency in the com­pany. In short: Wi­thin the frame­work of a well-po­si­tio­ned le­gal com­pli­ance, lia­bi­lity risks of the share­hol­ders and the ma­nage­ment of a com­pany can be mi­ni­mi­zed and in­crea­ses in ef­fi­ci­ency can be rea­li­zed.

At RSM Eb­ner Stolz, la­wy­ers from va­rious di­sci­plines work hand in hand to iden­tify risks quickly and ef­fec­tively in all re­le­vant areas of com­mer­cial law and to act as spar­ring part­ners for share­hol­ders and ma­na­ging di­rec­tors alike in all com­pli­ance mat­ters. This ap­plies pri­ma­rily for pur­po­ses of pre­ven­tion. But our Com­pli­ance & In­ves­ti­ga­ti­ons team also as­sists com­pa­nies with in­ter­nal in­ves­ti­ga­ti­ons.

We sup­port in set­ting up and op­ti­mi­zing your le­gal com­pli­ance and in pos­si­ble in­ter­nal in­ves­ti­ga­ti­ons to un­co­ver le­gal vio­la­ti­ons. We also ac­com­pany you in the con­text of pos­si­ble in­ves­ti­ga­tion pro­cee­dings and sup­port you when it co­mes to as­ser­ting claims for com­pen­sa­tion.