Due to the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (in short LkSG) that has been in effect since 1 January 2023, affected companies must fulfill new and far-reaching obligations. A central requirement is the performance of a risk analysis and the implementation of an appropriate and effective risk management system with the aim of identifying, preventing, eliminating, or at least minimizing the extent of human rights and environmental risks along their supply chains. In addition, the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act effectively obligates companies to establish a whistleblower system for the protected reporting of risks and legal violations. ...read more
Legal Compliance
Do you have all the legal requirements on anti-corruption, antitrust law, money laundering prevention, IT security and data protection, capital market law, product safety, tax and public procurement law and export control on your radar - or do you quickly get into a tailspin?
Responsible corporate governance is no longer possible without legal compliance structures. Too many risks exist in all areas of business law - from A for labor law to Z for customs law. On the safe side is who is seeking support in the area of legal compliance. Because the management, no matter how good it is, is not able to have the compliance risks in all areas of law on the screen and to cope with any special situations that may arise.
In compliance matters, prevention is always better than aftercare: because tailor-made legal compliance has a preventive effect by avoiding violations of the law, minimizing the company's liability risks and preventing damage to its reputation. At the same time, significant added value can be realized by increasing efficiency in the company. In short: Within the framework of a well-positioned legal compliance, liability risks of the shareholders and the management of a company can be minimized and increases in efficiency can be realized.
At RSM Ebner Stolz, lawyers from various disciplines work hand in hand to identify risks quickly and effectively in all relevant areas of commercial law and to act as sparring partners for shareholders and managing directors alike in all compliance matters. This applies primarily for purposes of prevention. But our Compliance & Investigations team also assists companies with internal investigations.
We support in setting up and optimizing your legal compliance and in possible internal investigations to uncover legal violations. We also accompany you in the context of possible investigation proceedings and support you when it comes to asserting claims for compensation.