

Building Bridges Between China and Germany: The Ebner Stolz China Desk

The Peo­ple’s Re­pu­blic of China is - thanks to its im­pres­sive eco­no­mic per­for­mance - in­cre­asin­gly in­te­res­ting for Ger­man in­ves­tors. But China is also the big­gest non-Eu­ro­pean in­ves­tor in Ger­many. Howe­ver, the coun­try of­fers not only great po­ten­tial, but also great risks due to a for­eign cul­ture and dif­fe­rent le­gal and po­li­ti­cal sys­tems.

For both si­des, the China Desk of Eb­ner Stolz is the per­fect con­tact. The tasks of the China Desk are on the one hand to sup­port Ger­man in­ves­tors who want to gain a foo­thold in China and on the other hand the con­sul­ting of Chi­nese com­pa­nies that want to ex­pand into Ger­many.

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In this re­spect, we can of­fer you the same ser­vices in China as we do in Ger­many. We sup­port you in the fields of au­diting, tax and le­gal ad­vice as well as cor­po­rate con­sul­ting. Our bi­lin­gual team pos­ses­ses pro­fes­sio­nal ex­per­tise as well as in­ter­cul­tu­ral ex­pe­ri­ence and is thus your strong part­ner ab­road.

Lea­der of our China Desk is Mr Ran Chen who builds bridges bet­ween China and Ger­many. Born and rai­sed in Shang­hai, he suc­cess­fully com­ple­ted his stu­dies in Ger­many and pos­ses­ses years of ex­pe­ri­ence in the con­sul­ting of Ger­man and Chi­nese in­ves­tors.

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