
Economic Sectors

Media Corporations / Publishing Houses

There’s hardly any in­dus­try that’s ex­pe­ri­en­cing grea­ter or fas­ter chan­ges. Di­gi­ta­liza­tion has made the forms and pos­si­bi­li­ties of me­dia ser­vices pro­li­fe­rate. In­for­ma­tion and con­tent is avail­able in prac­tically any form – which also cau­ses it to lose va­lue.

There’s hardly any in­dus­try that’s ex­pe­ri­en­cing grea­ter or fas­ter chan­ges. Di­gi­ta­liza­tion has made the forms and pos­si­bi­li­ties of me­dia ser­vices pro­li­fe­rate. In­for­ma­tion and con­tent is avail­able in prac­tically any form – which also cau­ses it to lose va­lue.

Exis­ting re­ve­nue mo­dels are being chal­len­ged by fal­ling re­ve­nues in com­pa­nies’ core busi­nes­ses. At the same time, si­gni­fi­cant in­vest­ments in new, mostly di­gi­tal ser­vices are re­qui­red. Stan­ding still is not an op­tion. Sys­te­ma­tic ad­just­ments of the busi­ness mo­dels are nee­ded to ma­nage this change suc­cess­fully and open up new pro­spects for the fu­ture.

Eb­ner Stolz is fa­mi­liar with the full ga­mut of chal­len­ges wrought by this change, thanks to the bre­adth and di­ver­sity of its cli­en­tele. We can help de­ve­lop and mar­ket new for­mats. We pre­pare publis­hing com­pa­nies to go pu­blic. We know the ac­coun­ting pit­falls for on­line ser­vices or publis­hing and film rights. And we know the pro­fit-kil­lers – like chan­ges in va­lue-ad­ded tax.

In other words, Eb­ner Stolz can of­fer all-in­clu­sive ex­per­tise in your sec­tor from our in­ter­di­sci­pli­nary teams. You can dis­cuss tax or le­gal as­pects – for ex­am­ple, of au­dits of an­nual fi­nan­cial state­ments – with the right col­lea­gues on the team. Our ma­nage­ment con­sul­tants can of­fer you ad­di­tio­nal peace of mind, whe­ther in op­ti­mi­zing busi­ness mo­dels, tran­sac­tions or (un­der heavy eco­no­mic pres­sure) in re­struc­tu­ring si­tua­ti­ons. The cru­cial point – and you can rely on this – is that we’re quick to re­co­gnize pro­blem areas or areas that need ac­tion, and to move ac­cor­din­gly.

Our services at a glance

  • As­sis­tance with im­ple­men­ting plan­ned re­struc­tu­ring
  • Com­mer­cial due di­li­gence
  • Pre­pa­ra­tion and re­view of busi­ness plans
  • Fi­nan­cial mo­de­ling
  • Va­lue-ori­en­ted ma­nage­ment and con­trol­ling con­cepts
  • Ex­plo­ra­tion and as­sess­ment of op­ti­ons for fi­nan­cing in a cri­sis
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