
Economic Sectors

Pharma & MedTech

The pharmaceutical and medtech industries face multi-faceted opportunities and challenges that require continuous adaptation and innovation. In an ever-changing global healthcare landscape, there is a pronounced paradigm shift in patient demands. New treatment concepts and technologies are changing industry expectations, while data security and privacy requirements are intensified by the increased use of telemedicine and digital health solutions. At the same time, healthcare systems in many countries find themselves ill-equipped or under-equipped to counter increasing cost pressures. Disruptive developments are putting companies in these closely interwoven industries under continuous pressure to change.

Con­side­ring these chal­len­ges, phar­maceuti­cal and me­di­cal tech­no­logy com­pa­nies are ope­ra­ting dy­na­mi­cally in an ex­tre­mely com­pe­ti­tive en­viron­ment cha­rac­te­ri­zed by on­go­ing cost pres­sure, steadily in­cre­asing re­gu­la­tion, and vo­la­tile supply chains. On aver­age, Ger­man phar­maceuti­cal com­pa­nies in­vest more than 10% of their an­nual sa­les in in-house re­se­arch and de­ve­lop­ment - more than any other in­dus­try sec­tor.

Of the nearly 700 Ger­man com­pa­nies fal­ling un­der the phar­maceuti­cal sec­tor, more than 90% are SMEs and Mid­Caps. With sa­les of EUR 49 bil­lion in 2021, the Ger­man phar­maceuti­cal mar­ket ranks fourth world­wide, be­hind the USA, China, and Ja­pan, and has also es­ta­blis­hed its­elf as the lar­gest phar­maceuti­cal mar­ket in Eu­rope. Its im­port­ance lies par­ti­cu­larly in its strong roots in small and me­dium-si­zed en­ter­pri­ses. Wi­thin Ger­many, around half of SHI mar­ket sa­les in 2022 will be ac­coun­ted for by pa­tent-pro­tec­ted drugs, fol­lo­wed by off-pa­tent in­itial supplier pro­ducts with 32% and fi­nally ge­ne­rics / bio­si­mi­lars with 22%. It should be em­pha­si­zed that the share of drugs ap­pro­ved in Ger­many is roughly the same for pre­scrip­tion and over-the-coun­ter drugs.

The me­di­cal tech­no­logy sec­tor in Ger­many is also do­mi­na­ted by me­dium-si­zed com­pa­nies. 93% of the nearly 1,500 med­tech com­pa­nies em­ploy up to 250 peo­ple. In ad­di­tion, Ger­many also plays a lea­ding role here at in­ter­na­tio­nal le­vel. In 2021, the Eu­ro­pean med­tech sec­tor ge­ne­ra­ted va­lue ad­ded of more than 140 bil­lion eu­ros, of which Ger­many holds the lea­ding po­si­tion with a mar­ket share of more than 26%. In com­pa­ri­son, Eu­rope's se­cond lar­gest mar­ket player, France, ac­coun­ted for only 15% of sa­les. The im­pres­sive ex­port ra­tio of 67% in 2022 fur­ther un­ders­cores the in­ter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­tiv­en­ess and in­no­va­tive strength of the Ger­man me­di­cal tech­no­logy sec­tor.

As a stra­te­gic part­ner with a clear fo­cus and many years of ex­pe­ri­ence in these in­dus­try seg­ments, we are fa­mi­liar with the com­ple­xity of the in­dus­try and its va­rious sta­ke­hol­ders, un­der­stand the re­gu­latory re­qui­re­ments as well as the in­ter­na­tio­nal cha­rac­ter and are very aware of the high in­no­va­tive strength of the com­pa­nies in these mar­kets. We go beyond pure con­sul­ting and are at your side to fur­ther de­ve­lop your com­pany and busi­ness mo­del, to se­cure sus­tai­nable com­pe­ti­tive ad­van­ta­ges in the fu­ture or to work out suc­ces­sion so­lu­ti­ons. Be­ne­fit from our busi­ness and fi­nan­cial, tax or le­gal ex­per­tise as well as our ex­ten­sive con­sul­ting and tran­sac­tion ex­pe­ri­ence in these in­dus­tries. Our de­di­ca­ted team works hand in hand to de­ve­lop cu­st­omi­zed so­lu­ti­ons for you that are not only con­vin­cing on pa­per but can also be suc­cess­fully im­ple­men­ted in prac­tical day-to-day busi­ness.

You can rely on our in­ter­di­sci­pli­nary coope­ra­tion, in which our au­di­tors, tax con­sul­tants, la­wy­ers and ma­nage­ment con­sul­tants work clo­sely to­ge­ther to en­sure that your con­cerns are in the best hands.