

Financial Advisory Services

More than ever be­fore, com­pa­nies need to keep pace with cur­rent mar­ket de­ve­lop­ments, the op­ti­mi­sa­tion of exis­ting and the de­ve­lop­ment of new busi­ness areas, the di­gi­tal trans­for­ma­tion and the com­plex, ra­pidly chan­ging re­gu­latory re­qui­re­ments. This is hardly pos­si­ble wi­thout so­lid fi­nan­cial room scope for ac­tion. The fi­nance func­tion of a com­pany must the­re­fore face nu­me­rous chal­len­ges.

Fi­nan­ces are at the he­art of a com­pany, be­cause pro­gress is only pos­si­ble with suf­fi­ci­ent fi­nan­cial lee­way. But: for this to hap­pen, share­hol­ders as well as busi­ness part­ners (sta­ke­hol­ders) must un­der­stand the com­pany's busi­ness mo­del and the com­pany's de­ve­lop­ment. This is no easy task for fi­nan­cial ma­na­gers. They have to en­sure high-qua­lity re­por­ting at the touch of a but­ton. At the same time, they have to re­act to re­gu­latory chan­ges and tech­no­lo­gi­cal change.

It is the­re­fore ex­tre­mely im­port­ant that the ac­coun­ting, con­trol­ling and re­por­ting de­part­ments have the ne­cessary tools to en­sure an ef­fi­ci­ent and ef­fec­tive fi­nance func­tion. Our con­sul­tants sup­port you in these de­man­ding tasks.

Our services at a glance

  • Pre­pa­ra­tion of an­nual fi­nan­cial state­ments and fi­nan­cial ac­coun­ting
  • IFRS Ad­vi­sory
  • CFO Ser­vices
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