
Governance - Risk - Compliance


  • Daniel Kautenburger-Behr, Steuerberater, Rechtsanwalt, Ebner Stolz Köln
  • Sandro Nücken
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Zinser, Steuerberater, Ebner Stolz, Arnulfstraße 27, 80335 München
  • Christian Zimmermann, Steuerberater, Fachberater für internationales Steuerrecht bei Ebner Stolz in Stuttgart
  • Dr. Christoph Stock
  • Robert Backes, Steuerberater, Ebner Stolz, Holzmarkt 1, 50676 Köln
  • Thomas Herzogenrath, Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater, Ebner Stolz,  Holzmarkt 1, 50676  Köln,  Holzmarkt 1, 50676 Köln
  • Claudia Rohe
  • Dr. Sven Christian Gläser, Steuerberater, Rechtsanwalt, Ebner Stolz, Kronenstraße 30, 70174 Stuttgart
  • Christina Odenthal-Middelhoff, LL.M. (Wirtschaftsstrafrecht), Rechtsanwältin, Zertifizierte Beraterin für Steuerstrafrecht (DAA) bei Ebner Stolz in Köln
  • Christine Diener, Rechtsanwältin bei Ebner Stolz in Stuttgart (Wirtschaftsrecht, Gesellschaftsrecht, MA, Compliance)
  • Prof. Dr. Ursula Ley, Wirtschaftsprüferin, Steuerberaterin, Ebner Stolz, Holzmarkt 1, 50676 Köln
  • Philipp Külz Rechtsanwalt, Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht, Zertifizierter Berater für Steuerstrafrecht (DAA) und Partner bei Ebner Stolz in Köln
  • Thaddäus Schiller, Steuerberater, Ebner Stolz, Kronenstraße 30, 70174 Stuttgart
  • Marcus Grzanna, Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater, Diplom-Kaufmann, Ebner Stolz, Mendelssohnstraße 87, 60325 Frankfurt am Main
  • Dr. Daniel Zöller, Steuerberater bei Ebner Stolz in Stuttgart
  • Anne-Marie Kekow, Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater, Ebner Stolz, Ludwig-Erhard-Straße 1, 20459 Hamburg
  • Nikolaus Krenzel, Ebner Stolz Köln
  • Dr. Oliver Schmidt, Rechtsanwalt, Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht, RSM Ebner Stolz, Kronenstraße 30, 70174 Stuttgart
  • Klaus Krink, Rechtsanwalt, Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht, Ebner Stolz Hamburg
  • Eva Rehberg, Ebner Stolz Hamburg

Compliance Management Systems

The legal requirements to be observed by companies continue to increase on a daily basis. Implementing these requirements in the company is often a major challenge. Do you want to ensure compliant behavior in your company to prevent liability risks and sanctions? And at the same time increase the trust of your workforce and efficiency in the company with the help of well-established processes? Then you need a tailor-made compliance structure.

The ex­pec­ta­ti­ons of re­spon­si­ble cor­po­rate ma­nage­ment and the pres­sure to act due to com­pli­ance re­qui­re­ments are in­cre­asing. Me­dium-si­zed com­pa­nies are also sub­ject to nu­me­rous le­gal ob­li­ga­ti­ons. Case law has re­cently cla­ri­fied that the du­ties of a ma­na­ging di­rec­tor - even of the smal­lest com­pa­nies - also in­clude the crea­tion of com­pli­ance struc­tures. For the sta­ke­hol­ders of me­dium-si­zed com­pa­nies, the es­ta­blish­ment of a com­pli­ance ma­nage­ment sys­tem is just as much a mat­ter of course as the on­go­ing re­view of exis­ting com­pli­ance struc­tures.

Scarce (em­ployee) re­sour­ces and, in par­ti­cu­lar, a lack of over­view of the con­stantly chan­ging re­gu­la­ti­ons and le­gal re­qui­re­ments are just two re­asons why com­pli­ance is­sues are of­ten still being ad­dres­sed in me­dium-si­zed com­pa­nies. It is of­ten over­looked that a com­pli­ance ma­nage­ment sys­tem ma­kes a si­gni­fi­cant contri­bu­tion to pre­ven­ting mis­con­duct and re­du­cing risks for the com­pany and its ma­na­gers.

With com­pli­ance struc­tures that are tailo­red to your com­pany, you not only mi­ni­mize risks, but also create ad­ded va­lue, as trans­pa­rent pro­ces­ses can in­crease ef­fi­ci­ency. Our ex­perts will work with you to iden­tify the hid­den risks in your com­pany and sup­port you in set­ting up and op­ti­mi­zing your com­pli­ance ma­nage­ment sys­tem.