
Legal Advice

Securities Law

In many ca­ses, me­dium-si­zed com­pa­nies grow to the point where it’s wor­thwhile or even ne­cessary to go pu­blic. Is­suing stock can open up at­trac­tive fi­nan­cing op­ti­ons for a com­pany, or al­low ow­ners to rea­lize the as­sets they’ve ge­ne­ra­ted so far.

But the ca­pi­tal mar­ket asks a lot from com­pa­nies be­cause of the many le­gal re­qui­re­ments in­vol­ved. Our ad­vi­sors as­sist you with the ne­cessary ex­per­tise in le­gal, eco­no­mic and tax mat­ters, ma­king your com­pany re­ady for the mar­ket. We as­sist com­pa­nies that are al­re­ady lis­ted in mee­ting their se­cu­ri­ties law ob­li­ga­ti­ons and in fur­ther plan­ned cor­po­rate ac­tions.

Our services at a glance

  • Pre­pa­ring pro­spec­tu­ses
  • Due di­li­gence
  • As­sis­ting IPOs and ca­pi­tal in­crea­ses
  • Car­ry­ing out con­ver­ti­ble bond is­sues, etc.
  • Pre­pa­ring ten­der of­fers un­der the Se­cu­ri­ties Ac­qui­si­tion and Take­over Act (WpÜG)
  • Pro­vi­ding the re­qui­site le­gal opi­ni­ons and dis­clo­sure let­ters
  • Pre­pa­ring and con­duc­ting share­hol­ders’ mee­tings
  • Pre­pa­ring le­gal do­cu­men­ta­tion, e.g. for re­so­lu­ti­ons of the share­hol­ders’ mee­ting or other go­verning bo­dies
  • On­go­ing ad­vice and as­sis­tance for com­pa­nies with dis­clo­sure and re­por­ting ob­li­ga­ti­ons
  • De­fen­ding ac­tions for avo­idance of share­hol­ders’ re­so­lu­ti­ons
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