

Ber­lin stands for in­no­va­tion – which me­ans that it at­tracts peo­ple from around the world. And it's not just ar­tists who come to Ber­lin. In busi­ness too, Ber­lin’s at­mo­sphere is full of en­ergy for dis­co­ve­ring and de­ve­lo­ping new ideas. Thanks to this trend, and the close con­nec­tion bet­ween re­se­arch and in­dus­try, Ber­lin at­tracts com­pa­nies and skil­led per­son­nel from both Ger­many and ab­road.

Ber­lin is one of the world’s lea­ding cen­ters for IT and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons tech­no­logy, en­ergy and trans­por­ta­tion sys­tems tech­no­lo­gies. Ano­ther cor­ner­stone of the ca­pi­tal city’s eco­nomy is the wide-ran­ging field of health­care. Thanks to the so­lid in­fra­struc­ture and the pro­xi­mity of go­vern­ment po­li­cy­ma­kers, a dy­na­mic en­viron­ment has de­ve­lo­ped in re­cent years for young com­pa­nies in these and other in­dus­tries, in­clu­ding the ex­pan­ding mid­mar­ket, as well as for in­ter­na­tio­nal cor­po­ra­ti­ons. In kee­ping with this po­si­tive trend, es­ta­blis­hed mid-size com­pa­nies in the Ber­lin me­tro­po­li­tan area also ex­pect to ex­pe­ri­ence steady up­ward growth.

In or­der to de­ve­lop and im­ple­ment its busi­ness ideas in this li­vely en­viron­ment, a com­pany needs a strong part­ner at its side that of­fers well-in­for­med and crea­tive an­swers for all ac­coun­ting, eco­no­mic, tax and le­gal ques­ti­ons and then helps with their im­ple­men­ta­tion. With its teams of au­di­tors, ac­coun­tants, tax ad­vi­sors, at­tor­neys and busi­ness con­sul­tants, RSM Eb­ner Stolz is just the dy­na­mic con­sul­tant you're loo­king for, es­pe­cially if you own a me­dium-size com­pany.

We have 125 em­ployees lo­ca­ted right in the he­art of Ber­lin who are re­ady to talk to you and can draw on RSM Eb­ner Stolz's na­ti­onwide net­work or on our world­wide con­sul­ting net­work for ques­ti­ons that cross na­tio­nal bor­ders.

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