
Legal Advice

Public Commercial Law

Government regulations provide the framework for economic activities. Depending on sector and industry, this regulatory framework can be narrower or broader. However, the federal, state and local governments also provide many incentives for companies to develop, for example by awarding public contracts or granting subsidies for research and development or infrastructure projects. For companies, it is therefore important not only to comply with legal requirements, but also to recognize the opportunities the state offers them.

Pri­vate com­pa­nies and state in­sti­tu­ti­ons are in con­stant in­ter­ac­tion. On the one hand, par­ti­ci­pa­tion in the eco­nomy ent­ails le­gally com­plex ob­li­ga­ti­ons that must be met.

For some sec­tors of the eco­nomy, the state me­rely pro­vi­des a ge­ne­ral le­gal frame­work wi­thin which com­pa­nies can de­ve­lop. In other areas, such as re­gu­la­ted in­dus­tries (e. g. the en­ergy in­dus­try, lo­cal pu­blic trans­port, the te­lecom­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons sec­tor or health­care), com­pa­nies en­coun­ter a sur­plus of spe­cial li­cen­sing re­qui­re­ments and re­gu­latory spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons that can­not be mas­te­red wi­thout sound le­gal ad­vice.

On the other hand, the state pro­vi­des in­cen­ti­ves for eco­no­mic ac­tivi­ties and al­lo­ca­tes sub­si­dies and fun­ding, e. g. to pro­mote re­gio­nal busi­ness lo­ca­ti­ons, to create and main­tain jobs, for re­se­arch and de­ve­lop­ment pro­jects, for cli­mate-fri­endly tech­no­lo­gies and other in­no­va­tive mea­su­res. It is of­ten a con­side­ra­ble chal­lenge to iden­tify a sui­ta­ble fun­ding op­por­tu­nity for one's own com­pany. The ap­pli­ca­tion for the re­spec­tive fun­ding pro­gram as well as on­go­ing com­pli­ance with its re­qui­re­ments also re­quire great care and ti­mely ad­vice in or­der to avoid risks for a pos­si­ble re­pay­ment of gran­ted fun­ding or other sanc­tions. The lat­ter ap­plies in par­ti­cu­lar to cor­po­rate tran­sac­tions and re­struc­tu­rings.

Fi­nally, pu­blic pro­cu­re­ment is a si­gni­fi­cant eco­no­mic fac­tor. The pu­blic sec­tor re­lies on pro­cu­ring ma­te­ri­als and ser­vices to ful­fill its pu­blic du­ties. In the con­text of pu­blic pro­cu­re­ment, we sup­port both the pu­blic sec­tor and pri­vate com­pa­nies bid­ding for pu­blic con­tracts with our ad­vice. In doing so, we ac­com­pany the award and con­tract ne­go­tia­ti­ons and re­pre­sent our cli­ents in award re­view pro­cee­dings.

Our la­wy­ers have many years of ex­pe­ri­ence in dea­ling with pu­blic aut­ho­ri­ties and pu­blic ac­tors and pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive ad­vice on the ent­ire spec­trum of pu­blic com­mer­cial law. Whe­ne­ver ne­cessary, we coope­rate on an in­ter­di­sci­pli­nary ba­sis with our ex­perts in re­la­ted fields of law (e.g., en­viron­men­tal and plan­ning law, for­eign trade law, tax, en­ergy, real es­tate, cor­po­rate law, health­care, IT).