
Legal Advice

Energy Law

En­ergy law is­sues af­fect not only uti­lity com­pa­nies, but also real es­tate ow­ners, in­dus­trial com­pa­nies and mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ties. The ent­ire va­lue chain, from the ge­ne­ra­tion of elec­tri­city and heat, the trans­por­ta­tion and sto­rage of gas, elec­tri­city and heat, and the dis­tri­bu­tion of en­ergy, to the use of en­ergy by con­su­mers, is sub­ject to laws and re­gu­la­ti­ons that are be­com­ing more com­pre­hen­sive and more com­pli­ca­ted every year.

The con­tents of these laws and re­gu­la­ti­ons are lar­gely de­ter­mi­ned by spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons from EU di­rec­tives. We are tho­roughly fa­mi­liar with all these ru­les and can as­sist you in achie­ving your busi­ness goals on the en­ergy mar­ket, re­gard­less of your role in that mar­ket.

It has long been a tru­ism that the en­ergy re­vo­lu­tion will mean that tra­di­tio­nal busi­ness mo­dels must be re­viewed and ad­ap­ted to meet the new re­qui­re­ments of the mar­ket. Ge­ne­ra­tion struc­tures are be­com­ing more de­cen­tra­li­zed, while many cu­st­omers have be­gun to see them­sel­ves not as con­su­mers of en­ergy, but as "pro­sumers." These de­ve­lop­ments make heavy de­mands - not only on small and mid-si­zed uti­lity com­pa­nies, but also on the "pro­sumers" them­sel­ves, who are now sub­ject to le­gal re­qui­re­ments that they are of­ten unable to meet wi­thout ex­pert ad­vice.

With our many years of ex­pe­ri­ence as le­gal ad­vi­sors and li­ti­ga­tors, we can help you with these re­qui­re­ments. We have the an­swers to your ques­ti­ons about en­ergy law and will en­sure that you are not bo­the­red with other pro­blems so that you can put your ideas into prac­tice.

Our services at a glance

  • Re­view and ne­go­tia­tion of en­ergy tra­ding con­tracts
  • Pre­pa­ra­tion of en­ergy supply con­tracts, ge­ne­ral terms and con­di­ti­ons, and sam­ple con­tracts
  • Crea­tion of pro­ducts for en­ergy dis­tri­bu­tion
  • Re­gu­la­ti­ons re­la­ted to ba­sic supply and supp­le­men­tary supply
  • Price ad­just­ment and ju­di­cial re­pre­sen­ta­tion of en­ergy suppliers in the fair­ness re­views of elec­tri­city and gas pri­ces un­der § 315 of the Ger­man Ci­vil Code
  • Ten­ant elec­tri­city, cu­st­omer fa­ci­li­ties and neigh­bor­hood supply
  • Pre­pa­ra­tion and re­view of heat supply agree­ments
  • Pre­pa­ra­tion and re­view of mu­ni­ci­pal sta­tu­tes on the ob­li­ga­tion to con­nect and use
  • As­sis­tance with pro­cu­re­ment pro­jects (en­ergy and heat pro­cu­re­ment)
  • Elec­tro­mo­bi­lity
  • Pro­ce­dure for new con­tracts for the use of roads (con­ces­sion con­tracts)
  • Draf­ting me­tro­logy con­tracts
  • Re­gu­la­ti­ons on grid con­nec­tion and usage
  • Com­pen­sa­tion un­der EEG and KWKG
  • Ten­de­ring of en­ergy supply con­tracts by pu­blic aut­ho­ri­ties and pri­vate com­pa­nies
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