

CFO Services

The role of the CFO is cur­rently chan­ging fun­da­men­tally. In ad­di­tion to his sta­tus as a fi­nan­cial ex­pert, he is in­cre­asin­gly in­vol­ved in the stra­te­gic de­ve­lop­ment of the com­pany. At the same time, he has to en­sure that the fi­nan­cial de­part­ment is pre­pa­red for re­gu­latory chan­ges and in­cre­asing de­mands on the mar­ket and that it can cope with the chal­len­ges of day-to-day ope­ra­ti­ons.

In the fu­ture, new and ad­di­tio­nal tasks will con­ti­nue to in­crease the im­port­ance of the CFO for the com­pany. Fin­ding a sui­ta­ble can­di­date in a hurry who brings the ne­cessary com­pe­tence for this im­port­ant role and who also fits per­fectly with the cor­po­rate cul­ture is of­ten dif­fi­cult. If the ad­di­tio­nal ca­pa­city is only nee­ded tem­pora­rily, this ma­kes the se­arch even more chal­len­ging.

We can of­fer you a so­lu­tion to these chal­len­ges. We coope­rate with highly qua­li­fied ex­perts who are avail­able on a pro­ject ba­sis at short notice with their know-how and ca­pa­city. As a busi­ness part­ner, they re­li­ably sup­port your fi­nance func­tion while you con­cen­trate on fin­ding the per­fect CFO for your com­pany or to co­ver a tem­porary spe­cial need.

Our ser­vice? We find you the per­fect can­di­date for your cur­rent re­qui­re­ments and pro­vide a le­gally com­pli­ant pro­cess. In ad­di­tion, we are avail­able th­roug­hout the ent­ire pro­ject with our ad­mi­nis­tra­tive in­fra­struc­ture.

If re­qui­red, the busi­ness part­ner's sup­port can be ex­ten­ded by ad­di­tio­nal re­sour­ces and com­pe­ten­ces, so that the right so­lu­tion can be de­ve­lo­ped for every chal­lenge.

Please do not he­si­tate to con­tact us for fur­ther in­for­ma­tion on our ser­vices.

Our services at a glance

  • Take­over of the com­mer­cial ma­nage­ment fol­lo­wing an ac­qui­si­tion to sta­bi­lize and fur­ther de­ve­lop the fi­nance de­par­te­ment
  • Tem­porary as­sump­tion of the CFO role in the event of a short-term va­cancy
  • As­sump­tion of the CFO role on an in­te­rim ba­sis in con­nec­tion with the im­ple­men­ta­tion or im­pro­ve­ment of re­por­ting and con­trol­ling in­stru­ments and tools (e. g. Lu­ca­Net)
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