
Legal Advice

Commercial/ Business Law

Pro­duc­tion, purchasing, pro­cu­re­ment and sa­les are the he­art of an ope­ra­ting com­pany. If only one of these areas fal­ters, this has an ef­fect on the whole com­pany. This ef­fect is fur­ther in­ten­si­fied by the glo­ba­liza­tion of mar­kets.

How do you set up wa­ter­tight purchasing and dis­tri­bu­tion struc­tures and how are con­trac­tual re­la­ti­ons­hips ma­na­ged? Which risk avo­idance stra­te­gies are ne­cessary, for ex­am­ple, in the case of pro­duct re­calls and how to deal with supply chains and cu­st­omers in cri­sis si­tua­ti­ons?

Due to the cen­tral func­tion of purchasing, pro­cu­re­ment, sa­les and pro­duc­tion, ro­bust con­tract struc­tures are es­sen­tial for com­pa­nies to ope­rate le­gally com­pli­ant and suc­cess­fully in the mar­ket. Es­pe­cially in ti­mes of cri­sis, it be­co­mes ap­pa­rent whe­ther the con­tracts suf­fi­ci­ently se­cure the in­te­rests of the com­pany and mi­ni­mize risks.

In­ter­na­tio­nal con­trac­tual re­la­ti­ons­hips wi­thin the mar­kets are gro­wing with the ad­van­cing glo­ba­liza­tion. In­ter­na­tio­nal con­tracts must be ad­ap­ted to the re­le­vant na­tio­nal and in­ter­na­tio­nal trade cu­st­oms, dif­fe­rent le­gal sys­tems and cul­tu­ral dif­fe­ren­ces of the con­trac­ting par­ties. Whe­ther it is the re­gu­la­ti­ons of cross-bor­der on­line trade, which is be­com­ing in­cre­asin­gly dif­fi­cult to un­der­stand, or the in­cre­asing com­ple­xity of de­li­very parts in pro­duc­tion and de­pen­den­cies wi­thin supply chains - we sup­port you in your di­verse busi­ness ac­tivi­ties.

Our la­wy­ers work in many fields of law in an in­ter­di­sci­pli­nary man­ner and con­cen­trate ex­clu­si­vely on the as­pects re­le­vant to your com­pany in the re­spec­tive fields of law, while at the same time being clo­sely con­nec­ted with each other.

The fol­lo­wing ap­plies to every area of our cli­ents' busi­ness ac­tivi­ties: To­ge­ther with you, we think en­tre­pre­neu­ri­ally and find eco­no­mi­cally sen­si­ble so­lu­ti­ons that are tailor-made for your com­pany.

Our services at a glance

  • Ge­ne­ral com­mer­cial and con­tract law, na­tio­nal and in­ter­na­tio­nal
    • Struc­tu­ring and op­ti­miza­tion of purchasing or dis­tri­bu­tion struc­tures, es­pe­cially sa­les re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ves or fran­chi­sing
    • Draf­ting and ne­go­tia­tion of va­rious con­tracts along the ent­ire va­lue chain: from pro­cu­re­ment to pro­duc­tion and de­li­very, in par­ti­cu­lar ge­ne­ral terms and con­di­ti­ons of purchase or sale, frame­work supply agree­ments, main­ten­ance and ser­vice con­tracts, war­ranty or qua­lity as­surance agree­ments, con­tracts for work or ser­vices, lo­gistics agree­ments
    • Com­pre­hen­sive ad­vice on, and ne­go­tia­tion of re­se­arch and de­ve­lop­ment con­tracts or coope­ra­tion agree­ments in the areas of de­ve­lop­ment, purchasing and sa­les
    • Li­cen­sing in the area of pro­duc­tion and dis­tri­bu­tion
    • Sup­port in hand­ling war­ranty claims, in­clu­ding pro­duct re­calls
    • Con­sul­ting and sup­port in set­ting up con­tract ma­nage­ment sys­tems
  • E-Com­merce
    • Com­pre­hen­sive le­gal de­sign of on­line shops and mar­ket­places, re­view and ne­go­tia­tion of con­tracts in elec­tro­nic pay­ment tran­sac­tions, re­view of pro­cess flows, ad­apta­tion of for­eign con­di­ti­ons to Ger­man law
  • Dis­tri­bu­tion an­ti­trust law
    • Re­view of and ad­vice on dis­tri­bu­tion agree­ments with re­gard to com­pe­ti­tion or an­ti­trust law as­pects
  • Trai­nings
    • De­ve­lop­ment of tailor-made trai­ning cour­ses for sa­les, purchasing or con­tract ma­nage­ment
  • Ex­tra­ju­di­cial and ju­di­cial re­pre­sen­ta­tion in dis­pu­tes with suppliers, cu­st­omers or part­ners
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