



Middle Market: Discover what moves SME's

There's no doubt about it: mid-sized companies are the backbone of the German economy. Thanks to these companies' flair for productivity, hard work, innovation and flexibility and their ability to react quickly, goods and services "made in Germany" are in demand around the world.

The band­width of these com­pa­nies ran­ges from fast-gro­wing start-ups to busi­nes­ses that have been ow­ned and ope­ra­ted by one fa­mily over many ge­ne­ra­ti­ons, from tra­di­tio­nal crafts­men to high-tech de­ve­lo­pers, and from sole pro­prietors to lis­ted cor­po­ra­ti­ons.

Mid-si­zed com­pa­nies come in all sha­pes and si­zes, and so do the is­sues that they face – is­sues that de­mand a cu­st­omi­zed so­lu­tion. From the selec­tion or change of the form of the com­pany or group of com­pa­nies, to fi­nan­cing is­sues and their im­pact on fi­nan­cial state­ments, to va­rious tax struc­tures: mid-si­zed com­pa­nies need ad­vi­sors who speak their lan­guage and take a ho­listic ap­proach to the chal­len­ges they face.