
Tax Advice

Assets and Taxes

The aim of stra­te­gic in­vest­ments should al­ways be to pre­serve as­sets, and to in­crease them where pos­si­ble. The tax en­viron­ment mustn’t be igno­red in that ef­fort. But even for com­pa­nies, ta­xes are not a sub­ject li­mited just to the ope­ra­ti­ons le­vel. They also af­fect the en­tre­pre­neurs or ow­ners who back the com­pany. Here it’s es­pe­cially im­port­ant to struc­ture cor­po­rate and pri­vate as­sets in the best pos­si­ble way for tax pur­po­ses.

To take due ac­count of the fre­quently com­plex as­set si­tua­ti­ons in busi­ness and the pri­vate sphere, we pur­sue a stra­te­gic, ho­listic ap­proach to con­sul­ting, in which your con­tact per­son will de­ve­lop your own per­so­na­li­zed con­cept, if ap­plica­ble in coope­ra­tion with an ex­pert team of tax ad­vi­sors, at­tor­neys, ac­coun­tants, and au­di­tors. In ad­di­tion to your cur­rent tax si­tua­tion, we also keep an eye on the tax con­se­quen­ces when a change of ge­ne­ra­ti­ons ta­kes place.

Our services at a glance

  • As­set plan­ning and op­ti­miza­tion for ta­xes
  • Op­ti­mi­zing re­la­ti­ons­hips bet­ween pri­vate and busi­ness as­sets
  • Selec­ting the best le­gal form for as­sets
  • Ad­vi­sing on in­vest­ment mo­dels, such as pri­vate equity, ven­ture ca­pi­tal, clo­sed-end real es­tate funds and other in­vest­ment funds
  • Re­viewing po­ten­tial for op­ti­miza­tion of se­cu­ri­ties, real es­tate and equity in­te­rests in com­pa­nies
  • Tax as­sis­tance in de­ve­lo­ping in­vest­ment stra­te­gies and con­cepts
  • Ana­ly­zing in­vest­ment funds
  • Pre­pa­ring tax-op­ti­mi­zed (spe­cial) fund mo­dels
  • Tax plan­ning when fi­nan­cing real es­tate
  • Con­sul­ting on real es­tate ac­qui­si­ti­ons
  • Ar­ran­ging and as­sis­ting trans­fers of as­sets to heirs
  • Set­ting up tax-op­ti­mi­zed fa­mily hol­ding com­pa­nies and as­sis­ting fa­mily busi­nes­ses
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