
Legal Advice

Reorganization and Insolvency

If a com­pany is in cri­sis, or even worse, at risk of in­sol­vency, that still doesn’t ne­ces­sa­rily mean the end. Ap­pro­priate tools can re­medy the cri­sis and avert in­sol­vency. And in many ca­ses, even in­sol­vency pro­cee­dings of­fer a chance for a new start.

In a si­tua­tion like this, you es­pe­cially need ad­vi­sors who know what counts. We’ve hel­ped so many com­pa­nies in the past that we know just what steps are nee­ded in a gi­ven si­tua­tion, and may be able to avert im­pen­ding in­sol­vency. For ex­am­ple, we can cla­rify whe­ther the pro­blem can be re­me­died by re­ca­te­go­ri­zing ex­ter­nal fi­nan­cing as equity, or by sel­ling or shut­ting down cer­tain ope­ra­ti­ons. At the same time, we pay spe­cial at­ten­tion to avo­iding lia­bi­lity claims or any ma­nage­ment ac­tions that might give rise to cri­mi­na­lity. We as­sist you with spe­ci­fic re­com­men­da­ti­ons for ac­tion. If in­sol­vency is una­vo­ida­ble, we ad­vise the com­pany’s go­verning bo­dies on what steps to take next.

Our services at a glance

  • Ad­vice on re­or­ga­ni­zing and re­struc­tu­ring for com­pa­nies, ma­nage­ment, su­per­vi­sory bo­dies and ow­ners
  • Ad­vice for debtors and cre­di­tors in in­sol­vency pro­cee­dings
  • Avo­iding lia­bi­lity of go­verning bo­dies and ow­ners
  • Ad­vice on di­vest­ments du­ring in­sol­vency
  • Plan­ning and im­ple­men­ting col­la­te­ral ma­nage­ment
  • De­ve­lo­ping and as­sis­ting with col­la­te­ral and supplier pools
  • De­ve­lo­ping in­sol­vency plans, and as­sis­ting debtors and cre­di­tors in in­sol­vency plan pro­cee­dings
  • Case hand­ling in con­nec­tion with as­ser­ting or de­fen­ding claims for avo­idance in in­sol­vency
  • Ad­vice and re­pre­sen­ta­tion in in­ves­ti­ga­ti­ons by pu­blic pro­se­cu­tors and other aut­ho­ri­ties
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