

Publicly Traded Corporations

Com­pa­nies whose sha­res are tra­ded on ex­chan­ges, fi­nan­cial ser­vice pro­vi­ders, in­surance com­pa­nies, and com­pa­nies that place other se­cu­ri­ties (such as bonds) on an or­ga­ni­zed mar­ket must al­ways fo­cus not just on their own in­ter­nal con­cerns, but on the ca­pi­tal mar­ket’s re­sponse. Re­por­ted pro­fits must meet in­ves­tors’ ex­pec­ta­ti­ons; vi­si­ons for the fu­ture should also con­vince ana­lysts to give the com­pany a po­si­tive ra­ting.

The up­shot is that pu­bli­cly tra­ded com­pa­nies need to act at a fas­ter pace, for ex­am­ple, than fa­mily busi­nes­ses. That in­vol­ves a hig­her de­gree of over­sight and nu­me­rous dis­clo­sure ob­li­ga­ti­ons, with more ri­go­rous re­qui­re­ments to be met by the in­de­pen­dent au­di­tor of fi­nan­cial state­ments.

For ex­am­ple, au­diting pu­bli­cly tra­ded com­pa­nies is sub­ject to In­ter­na­tio­nal Fi­nan­cial Re­por­ting Stan­dards (IFRSs) and tight time sche­du­les for re­por­ting, as a re­sult of the re­qui­re­ments of se­cu­ri­ties law or the ex­chan­ges’ own ru­les. Ano­ther ex­cep­tio­nal fea­ture is the ad­di­tio­nal re­view (en­force­ment) by the Ger­man Fi­nan­cial Re­por­ting En­force­ment Pa­nel (DPR) of fi­nan­cial re­por­ting of com­pa­nies tra­ded on the re­gu­la­ted mar­ket in Ger­many.

Our au­diting teams meet these strin­gent re­qui­re­ments. At the same time, pu­bli­cly tra­ded com­pa­nies can also be­ne­fit from our ho­listic con­sul­ting ap­proach, in which au­diting and con­sul­ting go hand in hand. That enab­les us to dis­co­ver po­ten­tial for im­pro­ve­ments, and to make ad­just­ments early on.

Our services at a glance

  • IPOs
  • Com­pli­ance
  • In­ter­na­tio­nal Fi­nan­cial Re­por­ting Stan­dards (IFRSs)
  • DPR au­dits
  • Share­hol­ders’ mee­tings
  • Sta­tutory spe­cial au­dits
  • Pre­pa­ra­tion of pro­spec­tus
  • Ma­nage­ment board con­tracts
  • Ca­pi­tal Mar­ket law ad­vice
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