
Management Consulting

Digitalization - Digitally Equipped, or Trapped in Analog?

Do you feel like you don't need di­gi­ta­liza­tion? That you can put it on the back bur­ner for now? That's not go­ing to work: To keep your busi­ness com­pe­ti­tive, you need to ac­tively pro­mote di­gi­ta­liza­tion in your com­pany. Even if you don't di­gi­ta­lize, you can be sure that your com­pe­ti­tors will.

Eb­ner Stolz com­bi­nes re­co­gnized fi­nan­cial and busi­ness ex­per­tise with di­gi­tal know-how and "do-how." We help com­pa­nies with their di­gi­tal trans­for­ma­tion—from stra­tegy to im­ple­men­ta­tion, with re­sults re­flec­ted on your in­come state­ment and ba­lance sheet and in your cash flow.

Crea­ting po­si­tive cu­st­omer ex­pe­ri­en­ces

The cu­st­omer has al­ways been king. Now, in the age of di­gi­ta­liza­tion, the cu­st­omer has been pro­mo­ted to em­peror. Com­pa­nies are able to gain a deep un­der­stan­ding of in­di­vi­dual cu­st­omer seg­ments or mar­kets like ne­ver be­fore. This al­lows you to tar­get your com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons with your cu­st­omers even more, with pro­ducts or ser­vices that are tailo­red es­pe­cially to them. Data ba­ses and ana­ly­sis tools al­low you to pre­dict your cu­st­omer's fu­ture buy­ing de­ci­si­ons and even their pro­pen­sity to change suppliers.

Di­gi­ta­li­zing busi­ness pro­ces­ses to make them more ef­fi­ci­ent

To re­act more quickly to mar­ket de­mands, in­crease pro­duc­tivity and meet cu­st­omer needs, busi­ness pro­ces­ses must be made qui­cker, bet­ter, more ef­fi­ci­ent, lea­ner, and ul­ti­mately scalable. There is con­side­ra­ble po­ten­tial sim­ply in op­ti­mi­zing and au­to­ma­ting ac­tivi­ties that are time con­su­ming but do not add va­lue.

De­ve­lo­ping new di­gi­tal busi­ness mo­dels

Ul­ti­mately di­gi­ta­liza­tion will change your own busi­ness mo­del—be­cause it must be able to hold its own against ag­gres­sive new busi­ness mo­dels of your com­pe­ti­tors.

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