
Tax Advice

Customs Law

Cu­st­oms du­ties, for­eign trade law, ex­cise and en­ergy tax—the list of le­gal fields in­vol­ved in the area of "cu­st­oms law" goes on and on. Pre­fe­ren­ces, du­ties, cu­st­oms va­lua­tion, ex­port con­trol and dual use are only a few of the to­pics faced by com­pa­nies that sell goods beyond the bor­ders of the Eu­ro­pean Union. Many com­pa­nies must also deal with ex­cise tax is­sues, in con­nec­tion with elec­tri­city, en­ergy pro­ducts (pri­ma­rily mi­ne­ral oil) or spi­rits.

Cu­st­oms of­fi­ci­als make the use of sim­pli­fi­ca­ti­ons and be­ne­fits in­cre­asin­gly de­pen­dent on whe­ther a com­pany is "com­pli­ant", i.e. whe­ther it com­plies with le­gal re­qui­re­ments and has in­tro­du­ced pro­ces­ses that en­sure that no mis­ta­kes - or as few mis­ta­kes as pos­si­ble - can be made.

Cu­st­oms du­ties are of­ten a si­gni­fi­cant cost fac­tor in glo­bal trade. At the same time, howe­ver, there are many ways to make use of cu­st­oms pro­ce­du­res that re­duce cu­st­oms du­ties or avoid them al­to­ge­ther.

Our ser­vice port­fo­lio re­flects the scope of du­ties of the cu­st­oms ad­mi­nis­tra­tion and is just as va­ried. Our team of ex­pe­ri­en­ced con­sul­tants can as­sist you in all cu­st­oms mat­ters and re­la­ted areas such as:

Our services at a glance

  • Com­pli­ance
    • Risk ana­ly­ses
    • "Quick-Check" to iden­tify risks and/or sa­vings po­ten­tial
    • Eva­lua­tion of in­di­vi­dual is­sues
    • Con­duct of out-of-court and ju­di­cial ap­peals
    • As­sis­tance with tax au­dits (cu­st­oms, for­eign trade and ex­cise tax au­dits)
    • Re­pre­sen­ta­tion in ap­ply­ing for per­mits
    • Con­sul­ting in con­nec­tion with risk and com­pli­ance ma­nage­ment/in­ter­nal con­trol sys­tem
  • Stra­tegy/Op­ti­miza­tion
    • Supply chain op­ti­miza­tion
    • Re­duc­tion of cu­st­oms du­ties and ex­cise ta­xes
    • De­ve­lop­ment and im­pro­ve­ment of in­ter­nal cu­st­oms pro­ces­ses
    • Op­ti­miza­tion of your cu­st­oms or­ga­niza­tion
    • Con­sul­ting in the area of ac­qui­si­ti­ons and post-mer­ger in­te­gra­tion
    • Sup­port in con­nec­tion with busi­ness va­lua­ti­ons
    • Work with col­lea­gues to pro­vide ad­vice on cross-cut­ting tax is­sues, e. g. in con­nec­tion with trans­fer pri­cing and/or va­lue ad­ded tax
  • IT
    • Ad­vice in con­nec­tion with soft­ware selec­tion for cu­st­oms du­ties, for­eign trade tax and ex­cise du­ties pro­ces­sing
    • Sup­port in the im­ple­men­ta­tion of the soft­ware as an in­ter­face bet­ween busi­ness and your IT de­part­ment
    • Sup­port in the im­ple­men­ta­tion of the cu­st­oms ad­mi­nis­tra­tion's IT re­qui­re­ments with re­gard to au­dita­bi­lity in the con­text of au­dits
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