
Tax Advice

International Tax Law

Globalization is no longer a matter just for big corporations. Small and medium-sized companies have been operating across borders for years now. But they have to deal with legal and tax requirements, both at home and abroad, that are often as unknown as they are complex, all the more so because tax authorities in virtually every country want to protect tax revenues and increase them whenever possible. So they’re giving much closer scrutiny to cross-border matters.

On the other hand, the dif­fe­ren­ces in le­gal and tax sys­tems also of­fer many op­por­tuni­ties to re­duce or opti­mize tax im­pact.

We can help you th­read your way th­rough the jun­gle of in­ter­na­tio­nal tax laws. We of­fer sug­ges­ti­ons about tax struc­tu­ring, and point out risks.

Take ad­van­tage of our ex­per­tise in orga­ni­zing your in­vest­ments ab­road, and in choo­sing in­ter­na­tio­nal sites. We can also help you opti­mize tax ra­tes, re­struc­ture wit­hin your cor­po­rate group, and orga­nize cross-bor­der tran­sac­ti­ons.

When you relo­cate func­ti­ons and post emp­loyees ab­road, we help you avoid both un­wan­ted taxa­tion and dou­ble taxa­tion.


Glo­bal Mi­ni­mum Tax - A chal­lenge for me­dium-si­zed com­pa­nies

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