
Legal Advice

Employment Law

Questions of employment law arise in every company. The applicable legislation and case law change extremely fast. So without legal advice, employment law often doesn’t enter the picture until you’re already negotiating a settlement. But careful preparation for terminations or changes of employer, and the right language in an employment agreement, are just as effective at avoiding expensive litigation as clarifying works council rights and collective bargaining agreements. Terms for bonuses and target agreements should also be prepared carefully, so that they can motivate the staff to do their very best while avoiding considerable payment obligations.

For that re­ason, our le­gal ser­vices in­clude both con­tract draf­ting and all-around ad­vi­sing on in­di­vi­dual and col­lec­tive em­ploy­ment law. We have ex­ten­sive ex­pe­ri­ence in car­ry­ing out chan­ges in a busi­ness, up to and in­clu­ding shut­downs, as well as ne­go­tia­ting plans to avert hardships in case of lay­offs and sin­gle-en­tity col­lec­tive bar­gai­ning agree­ments. And if things do re­ach that point af­ter all, we can re­pre­sent your in­te­rests in any court in Ger­many.

Our team of spe­cia­li­zed at­tor­neys can an­swer all your ques­ti­ons about em­ploy­ment law, em­ploy­ment con­tract law, and the as­so­cia­ted areas of so­cial se­cu­rity law. Since we re­pre­sent not just com­pa­nies, but fre­quently also the in­te­rests of em­ployees and exe­cu­ti­ves, we have a sharp eye for the spe­ci­fic in­te­rests of each side.

Is­sues in em­ploy­ment law can be ur­gent, and prac­tical so­lu­ti­ons can pay off for you. That’s why you can re­ach your con­tact per­son at our of­fice quickly and di­rectly. As you make and carry out your busi­ness de­ci­si­ons, we can ad­vise you fully and ca­pably, and as­sist you by contri­bu­ting our prac­tical ex­pe­ri­ence with ne­go­tia­ting tac­tics.