
The Firm

Dr. Hanno Rädlein


Dr. Hanno Rädlein, Rechtsanwalt, Ebner Stolz, Kronenstraße 30, 70174 Stuttgart


Location Stuttgart
Kronenstraße 30
70174 Stuttgart

Tel. +49 711 2049-1870
Fax +49 711 2049-1490

Areas of expertise

  • Ad­vice in in­di­vi­dual and col­lec­tive la­bor law
  • M&A, re­struc­tu­rings, trans­fers of un­der­ta­kings
  • Le­gal re­pre­sen­ta­tion of com­pa­nies, cor­po­rate bo­dies and exe­cu­ti­ves be­fore ci­vil and la­bor courts
  • Re­struc­tu­ring and in­sol­vency
  • Ad­vice in con­nec­tion with ma­na­ging di­rec­tor ser­vice con­tracts
  • Em­ployee lea­sing
  • Bo­gus self-em­ploy­ment

Economic sectors

  • Me­cha­ni­cal en­gi­nee­ring
  • Trade
  • As­so­cia­ted com­pa­nies
  • Health and so­cial ser­vices