
Management Consulting

Cash management and treasury

Ma­nage­ment con­trol also me­ans ma­king sure the com­pany is al­ways able to meet pay­ments. That in­clu­des ef­fi­ci­ent pay­ment traf­fic and ma­king the best pos­si­ble use of avail­able cash. Li­qui­dity ma­nage­ment so­me­ti­mes ope­ra­tes wi­thin a very short-term ho­ri­zon. Ex­pec­ted cash flows are cal­cu­la­ted on a daily ba­sis, and pro­jec­ted for a pe­riod of 6-12 weeks go­ing for­ward. An in­tel­li­gent link with cor­po­rate plan­ning is nee­ded here. We of­fer con­cepts and so­lu­ti­ons that enable you to set up goal-ori­en­ted cash ma­nage­ment.

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