
Management Consulting

Profitability analyses

Ana­ly­zing the in­come state­ment, ba­lance sheet and cash flow is a core task for the fi­nan­cial ma­nage­ment of a com­pany. But you also need to create the right tools for per­for­mance ma­nage­ment. What cli­ents and pro­ducts ge­ne­rate in­come, and how much? What ac­tivi­ties could show a loss? Pro­fi­ta­bi­lity ana­ly­ses like these need cal­cu­la­ti­ons of de­tai­led data from every unit of the com­pany, and those data need to be as­so­cia­ted with their pro­per cau­ses in a co­gent pro­ce­dure.  To avoid a “data gra­veyard,” we pro­vide as­sis­tance here with de­sign, im­ple­men­ta­tion and ap­pli­ca­tion, to en­sure ma­xi­mum trans­pa­rency.

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