Analyzing the income statement, balance sheet and cash flow is a core task for the financial management of a company. But you also need to create the right tools for performance management. What clients and products generate income, and how much? What activities could show a loss? Profitability analyses like these need calculations of detailed data from every unit of the company, and those data need to be associated with their proper causes in a cogent procedure. To avoid a “data graveyard,” we provide assistance here with design, implementation and application, to ensure maximum transparency.
Global Minimum Tax: A Challenge for large Corporations
From financial year 2024 onwards, large corporate groups must examine the extent to which a tax increase is payable due to the requirements of the global minimum tax. Even if all group entities are based in countries with a nominal corporate tax rate well above the minimum tax rate of 15 %, the issue of global minimum tax is not resolved. However, temporary relief can be utilised and should temporarily reduce the administrative burden in many cases. more