
Management Consulting

Smart Financials

Al­ways ac­ce­le­ra­ting, al­ways im­pro­ving, while at the same time be­com­ing more fle­xi­ble and ro­bust. Is that pos­si­ble? With the best ad­vi­sors it is: With us you can in­crease your speed wi­thout gi­ving up any qua­lity.

The de­mands for speed and qua­lity, fle­xi­bi­lity and cer­tainty are in­cre­asing even in the areas of con­trol­ling and ac­coun­ting. To meet these de­mands, you need ex­cel­lent pro­ce­du­res and sys­tems in your com­pany. As per­fectly oi­led as a For­mula 1 race­car.

Mo­tor sports teach us that we need de­fi­ned stan­dards, har­mo­ni­zed pro­ce­du­res and a fo­cus on what's es­sen­tial. If that's not enough, then sys­tems need to be more in­te­gra­ted and pro­ce­du­res au­to­ma­ted. And if ne­cessary, new tech­no­lo­gies will have to be im­ple­men­ted.

We de­ve­lop stra­te­gies, im­ple­ment them and re­main on board with you un­til the so­lu­ti­ons prove their worth in prac­tice. That's how we en­sure op­ti­mum per­for­mance in plan­ning, con­so­li­da­tion and re­por­ting.

By en­ga­ging Eb­ner Stolz, you get more than just pro­fes­sio­nal ad­vice: you get the best and the brigh­test, a team of peo­ple who are com­mit­ted to working hard for you. At the be­gin­ning of the pro­ject we ana­lyze the ge­ne­ral re­qui­re­ments. Then we think about how pro­ce­du­res can be im­pro­ved and de­ve­lop a com­pre­hen­sive im­ple­men­ta­tion stra­tegy. We train the users and im­ple­ment just the right tools - such as the soft­ware pa­ckage Lu­ca­Net, for which we also pro­vide user sup­port. We of­ten dis­co­ver other things can be im­pro­ved, such plan­ning stra­te­gies and fi­nan­cial state­ment pre­pa­ra­tion. We'll ne­ver leave you han­ging. On the con­trary: we'll be right by your side un­til all of your goals have been re­ached.

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