
Legal consulting: University students and graduates

Legal consulting (entry-level)

Did you pass the first and se­cond state law ex­ami­na­ti­ons with ho­nors? Do you now want to not just prac­tice law but also go all out? Do you have the en­ergy to think things th­rough down to the smal­lest de­tail? Do you enjoy struc­tu­ring le­gal tran­sac­tions with a view to the fu­ture, so as to ac­com­mo­date the in­te­rests of your cli­ent as prag­ma­ti­cally and sa­tis­fac­to­rily as pos­si­ble and avoid dis­pu­tes in ad­vance?

Eb­ner Stolz’s more than 70 at­tor­neys co­ver the whole range of busi­ness law is­sues in­clu­ding tax mat­ters. That enab­les us to of­fer ad­ded va­lue when draf­ting agree­ments. If you join our firm, you will learn very quickly how to draft agree­ments and con­sult tax ex­perts for help in struc­tu­ring the le­gal frame­work – so you’ll re­ceive so­lid, com­pre­hen­sive trai­ning. You will, of course, also have the op­por­tu­nity la­ter to spe­cia­lize in a par­ti­cu­lar area. We would be plea­sed to re­ceive your ap­pli­ca­tion for di­rect entry into the firm if you are a uni­ver­sity gra­duate, or else for a stu­dent as­sis­tantship, work study pro­gram, or in­ternship.

Your profile

  • Stu­dies in (busi­ness) law with a con­cen­tra­tion in tax law, cor­po­rate law, busi­ness or em­ploy­ment law, etc.
  • State ex­ami­na­tion with at least sa­tis­fac­tory re­sults
  • Good com­pu­ter skills and know­ledge of Eng­lish
  • Well-de­ve­lo­ped so­cial skills
  • Wil­ling­ness to learn and to work hard

What we offer you

  • As­sis­tance with your pro­fes­sio­nal exam to be­come a tax ad­vi­sor or ac­coun­tant
  • A wide va­riety of op­ti­ons for fur­ther trai­ning
  • Di­rect con­tact with your cli­ents
  • In­te­gra­tion into your team
  • As­si­gn­ment to an on­go­ing con­tact part­ner
  • A di­verse range of pro­fes­sio­nal ac­tivi­ties
  • A steep learning curve
  • Flat hier­ar­chies
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