
University students and graduates

Tax consulting (entry-level)

Do you love con­stant change and want to es­cape drab rou­tine? Are you crea­tive and ea­ger to op­ti­mize your cli­ents’ tax si­tua­tion? If so, then you’re right for our tax con­sul­ting de­part­ment, where “standstill” is not a word in our vo­ca­bu­lary – be­cause tax law is con­stantly chan­ging just like the eco­no­mic and po­li­ti­cal con­di­ti­ons. Are you al­ways wil­ling to work hard and dri­ven to suc­ceed, to re­act to chan­ges in the eco­nomy and turn them to your cli­ents’ ad­van­tage? Then we should get to know each other, whe­ther you want to join our firm im­me­dia­tely af­ter gra­dua­ting from uni­ver­sity or are see­king em­ploy­ment in a stu­dent as­sis­tantship, work study pro­gram, or in­ternship. Have you al­re­ady cho­sen to fo­cus on tax con­sul­ting and would you like to spe­cia­lize in it right from the start?

As a tax ad­vi­sor, you have to mas­ter a wide and quickly chan­ging land­scape in or­der to lead our cli­ents safely th­rough the dense jun­gle of Ger­man ta­xa­tion and to give them wise ad­vice. At our firm, you’ll find a highly in­te­res­ting and di­verse set of tax con­sul­ting sce­na­rios waiting for you. You will en­coun­ter all dif­fe­rent kinds of le­gal forms and will have to handle tax is­sues for both cor­po­ra­ti­ons and share­hol­ders on a na­tio­nal and in­ter­na­tio­nal scale.

As an as­sis­tant, you will be sup­por­ting an ex­pe­ri­en­ced tax ad­vi­sor with his or her daily work and will be­come fa­mi­liar with all the dif­fe­rent as­pects of tax re­turns. Along the way, you will go th­rough both in­ter­nal and ex­ter­nal trai­ning and con­ti­nuing edu­ca­tion, and we will give you time and mo­ney to pre­pare for the tax con­sul­tant exam. As a brand new tax ad­vi­sor, you will then take over a fi­xed cli­ent base and have the op­por­tu­nity to fur­ther de­ve­lop into a spe­cia­list in a par­ti­cu­lar type of ta­xes by de­epe­ning your ge­ne­ral know­ledge.

Your profile

  • Stu­dies in busi­ness ad­mi­nis­tra­tion or law with a con­cen­tra­tion in ac­coun­ting, au­diting, law, ta­xa­tion, fi­nance, con­trol­ling, etc.
  • Very good or good aca­de­mic per­for­mance
  • Good com­pu­ter skills and know­ledge of Eng­lish
  • Well-de­ve­lo­ped so­cial skills
  • Wil­ling­ness to learn and to work hard

What we offer you

  • As­sis­tance with your pro­fes­sio­nal exam
  • A wide va­riety of op­ti­ons for fur­ther trai­ning in both theory and prac­tice, which will also give you the op­por­tu­nity to re­ceive ac­coun­ting trai­ning du­ring the first two years
  • Di­rect con­tact with your cli­ents
  • In­te­gra­tion into your team
  • As­si­gn­ment to an on­go­ing con­tact part­ner
  • A di­verse range of pro­fes­sio­nal ac­tivi­ties
  • A steep learning curve
  • Flat hier­ar­chies
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