
University students and graduates: Accounting / Tax consulting

Accounting / Tax consulting (entry-level)

Do you want to gain prac­tical ex­pe­ri­ence while still a stu­dent, or are you loo­king to make a start in the pro­fes­sio­nal world with your stu­dies al­re­ady suc­cess­fully be­hind you? Are you ho­ping to gain a so­lid prac­tical foun­da­tion with mul­ti­di­sci­pli­nary trai­ning as a ba­sis for spe­cia­li­zing la­ter on? Then we should get to know each other, re­gard­less of whe­ther you’d like to start with us im­me­dia­tely af­ter gra­dua­ting from uni­ver­sity or are see­king em­ploy­ment in a stu­dent as­sis­tantship, work study pro­gram, or in­ternship.

Un­like other con­sul­ting firms, Eb­ner Stolz doesn’t make a strict se­pa­ra­tion bet­ween tax con­sul­ting and ac­coun­ting. We of­fer both theo­re­ti­cal and prac­tical trai­ning to all of our em­ployees, du­ring the first two years of which you’ll be­come a ge­ne­ra­list with a broad spec­trum of know­ledge. You’ll re­ceive a firm grasp of both tax con­sul­ting and ac­coun­ting, and will first be pre­pa­red for the tax con­sul­tant exam and then, if you’d like, for the CPA exam as well. Af­ter pas­sing the first pro­fes­sio­nal ex­ami­na­tion, you can spe­cia­lize in one of our prac­tice areas, de­ve­lo­ping your ma­nage­ment skills one step at a time.

Your profile

  • Stu­dies in busi­ness ad­mi­nis­tra­tion or law with a con­cen­tra­tion in ac­coun­ting, au­diting, law, ta­xa­tion, fi­nance, con­trol­ling, etc.
  • Very good or good aca­de­mic per­for­mance
  • Good com­pu­ter skills and know­ledge of Eng­lish
  • Well-de­ve­lo­ped so­cial skills
  • Wil­ling­ness to learn and to work hard

What we offer you

  • As­sis­tance with both pro­fes­sio­nal ex­ams
  • A wide va­riety of op­ti­ons for fur­ther trai­ning in both theory and prac­tice in the fields of ta­xes and ac­coun­ting
  • Di­rect con­tact with your cli­ents
  • In­te­gra­tion into your team
  • As­si­gn­ment to an on­go­ing con­tact part­ner
  • A di­verse range of pro­fes­sio­nal ac­tivi­ties
  • A steep learning curve
  • Flat hier­ar­chies
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