
The Firm

Ebner Stolz supports SYZ Capital and Saturnus Capital on the acquisition of a majority stake in SK Pharma Logistics GmbH

  • SYZ Ca­pi­tal ac­qui­res a ma­jo­rity stake in SK Pharma Lo­gistics GmbH in close part­nership with Sa­tur­nus Ca­pi­tal
  • The fa­mily-ow­ned com­pany ba­sed in Bie­le­feld, Ger­many, ope­ra­tes in the field of phar­maceuti­cal lo­gistics
  • Eb­ner Stolz sup­por­ted SYZ Ca­pi­tal and Sa­tur­nus Ca­pi­tal with a fi­nan­cial and fax due di­li­gence as well as struc­tu­ring ad­vise

Stutt­gart, Ger­many, Fe­bru­ary 9, 2022 - The au­diting and con­sul­ting firm Eb­ner Stolz has sup­por­ted SYZ Ca­pi­tal and Sa­tur­nus Ca­pi­tal on the ac­qui­si­tion of SK Pharma Lo­gistics GmbH (SK Pharma) with a com­pre­hen­sive fi­nan­cial and tax due di­li­gence and, to­ge­ther with Swiss Ne­xia part­ner ADB Alt­dor­fer Duss & Beil­stein AG, with the tax struc­tu­ring of the tran­sac­tion.

SYZ Ca­pi­tal is a fa­mily-ow­ned Swiss in­vest­ment bou­ti­que spe­cia­li­zing in pri­vate mar­kets and of­fe­ring ac­cess to ni­che in­vest­ments in pri­vate equity and al­ter­na­tive in­vest­ments.

Sa­tur­nus Ca­pi­tal AG is an ow­ner-ma­na­ged in­vest­ment com­pany fo­cu­sing on me­dium-si­zed com­pa­nies in Ger­many and Swit­zer­land. Stra­te­gi­cally, Sa­tur­nus Ca­pi­tal par­ti­cu­larly fo­cu­ses on the health­care, busi­ness and con­su­mer ser­vices, IT and in­dus­trial pro­duc­tion mar­kets.

SK Pharma was foun­ded in 2003 by Ste­phan Krone and has es­ta­blis­hed its­elf as a lea­ding lo­gistics ser­vice pro­vi­der for Eu­ro­pean and glo­bally ac­tive phar­maceuti­cal com­pa­nies. In this con­text, SK Pharma spe­cia­li­zes in phar­maceuti­cal, me­di­cal, cos­me­tic and die­tary pro­ducts. The com­pany pro­vi­des the ent­ire lo­gistics va­lue chain by of­fe­ring turn­key so­lu­ti­ons to its cu­st­omers.

To­ge­ther, SYZ Ca­pi­tal and Sa­tur­nus Ca­pi­tal will sup­port SK Pharma in the next phase to grow both or­ga­ni­cally and th­rough ac­qui­si­ti­ons. The goal is to con­so­li­date the highly frag­men­ted mar­ket for phar­maceuti­cal lo­gistics with SK Pharma. In the fu­ture, two re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ves of Sa­tur­nus Ca­pi­tal as well as Marc Syz and Phil­ippe Mil­liet as ex­ter­nal in­dus­try ex­perts will work clo­sely with the Krone fa­mily on the ad­vi­sory board and take an ac­tive role in the fur­ther de­ve­lop­ment of SK Pharma.

Team Eb­ner Stolz: Dr Chris­toph Ep­pin­ger (Pro­ject-lea­ding Part­ner), Endre La­zar (Pro­ject Lead Fi­nan­cial), Seema Rao and Jan-Ni­klas Her­den (all Fi­nan­cial Due Di­li­gence), Alex­an­der Eu­ch­ner (Part­ner), To­bias Schupp (all Tax Due Di­li­gence und Tax Struc­tu­ring)

Team ADB Alt­dor­fer Duss & Beil­stein AG: Pas­cal Tad­dei and Marco Buch­mann (both Tax Struc­tu­ring)

Press contact

Hen­ning Mar­bur­ger
Eb­ner Stolz
Holz­markt 1
50676 Köln
Phone +49 221 20643-628

Firm contact

Dr Chris­toph Ep­pin­ger
Eb­ner Stolz
Kro­nen­straße 30
70174 Stutt­gart
Phone +49 711 2049-1409

Alex­an­der Eu­ch­ner
Eb­ner Stolz
Kro­nen­straße 30
70174 Stutt­gart
Phone +49 711 2049-1575

About Ebner Stolz

Eb­ner Stolz is one of the lar­gest in­de­pen­dent mid-mar­ket au­diting and con­sul­ting firms in Ger­many and ranks among the top ten in the in­dus­try. The firm has de­ca­des of in-depth ex­pe­ri­ence in au­diting, tax con­sul­ting, le­gal con­sul­ting and ma­nage­ment con­sul­ting. This broad spec­trum is of­fe­red by 1,800 em­ployees in the ty­pi­cal mul­ti­di­sci­pli­nary ap­proach in all ma­jor Ger­man ci­ties and busi­ness cen­ters. As a mar­ket lea­der in the SME sec­tor, the firm pri­ma­rily ser­ves mid-si­zed in­dus­trial, com­mer­cial and ser­vice en­ter­pri­ses of all si­zes and in every sec­tor.

Eb­ner Stolz con­ducts cross-bor­der au­dit and con­sul­ting en­ga­ge­ments to­ge­ther with part­ners from Ne­xia In­ter­na­tio­nal, one of the world's ten lar­gest net­works of con­sul­ting and au­diting firms. Th­rough Ne­xia, Eb­ner Stolz is re­pre­sen­ted in over 120 coun­tries with more than 750 of­fices.

Lo­ca­ti­ons: Ber­lin, Bonn, Bre­men, Düssel­dorf, Frank­furt, Ham­burg, Han­no­ver, Karls­ruhe, Co­lo­gne, Leip­zig, Mu­nich, Reut­lin­gen, Sie­gen, Stutt­gart.

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