
Legal Advice

Employment Law

Ques­ti­ons of em­ploy­ment law arise in every com­pany. The ap­plica­ble le­gis­la­tion and case law change ex­tre­mely fast. So wi­thout le­gal ad­vice, em­ploy­ment law of­ten doesn’t en­ter the pic­ture un­til you’re al­re­ady ne­go­tia­ting a sett­le­ment. But care­ful pre­pa­ra­tion for ter­mi­na­ti­ons or chan­ges of em­ployer, and the right lan­guage in an em­ploy­ment agree­ment, are just as ef­fec­tive at avo­iding ex­pen­sive li­ti­ga­tion as cla­ri­fy­ing works coun­cil rights and col­lec­tive bar­gai­ning agree­ments. Terms for bo­nu­ses and tar­get agree­ments should also be pre­pa­red care­fully, so that they can mo­ti­vate the staff to do their very best while avo­iding con­side­ra­ble pay­ment ob­li­ga­ti­ons.

For that re­ason, our le­gal ser­vices in­clude both con­tract draf­ting and all-around ad­vi­sing on in­di­vi­dual and col­lec­tive em­ploy­ment law. We have ex­ten­sive ex­pe­ri­ence in car­ry­ing out chan­ges in a busi­ness, up to and in­clu­ding shut­downs, as well as ne­go­tia­ting plans to avert hardships in case of lay­offs and sin­gle-en­tity col­lec­tive bar­gai­ning agree­ments. And if things do re­ach that point af­ter all, we can re­pre­sent your in­te­rests in any court in Ger­many.

Our team of spe­cia­li­zed at­tor­neys can an­swer all your ques­ti­ons about em­ploy­ment law, em­ploy­ment con­tract law, and the as­so­cia­ted areas of so­cial se­cu­rity law. Since we re­pre­sent not just com­pa­nies, but fre­quently also the in­te­rests of em­ployees and exe­cu­ti­ves, we have a sharp eye for the spe­ci­fic in­te­rests of each side.

Is­sues in em­ploy­ment law can be ur­gent, and prac­tical so­lu­ti­ons can pay off for you. That’s why you can re­ach your con­tact per­son at our of­fice quickly and di­rectly. As you make and carry out your busi­ness de­ci­si­ons, we can ad­vise you fully and ca­pably, and as­sist you by contri­bu­ting our prac­tical ex­pe­ri­ence with ne­go­tia­ting tac­tics.

Our services at a glance

  • Ad­vice and re­pre­sen­ta­tion in ques­ti­ons of em­ploy­ment con­tracts
  • Em­ploy­ment law as­so­cia­ted with tran­sac­tions (chan­ges of em­ployer, em­ploy­ment law due di­li­gence)
  • Chan­ges in busi­ness es­ta­blish­ments (chan­ges of em­ployer, out­sour­cing, shut­downs)
  • In­di­vi­dual em­ploy­ment agree­ments
  • Agree­ments on va­ria­ble com­pon­ents of com­pen­sa­tion and fringe be­ne­fits
  • Com­pany re­ti­re­ment plans
  • In­ter­na­tio­nal em­ployee pos­ting / staff as­si­gn­ments ab­road (in­bound and out­bound), ex­pa­triate con­tracts
  • Warning noti­ces, ter­mi­na­ti­ons, re­as­si­gn­ments be­cause of busi­ness re­asons, con­duct or per­so­nal qua­li­ties
  • Em­ployee com­pro­mise agree­ments and ter­mi­na­tion agree­ments
  • Is­sues with col­lec­tive bar­gai­ning agree­ments, es­pe­cially re­viewing, draf­ting and ne­go­tia­ting sin­gle-en­tity col­lec­tive bar­gai­ning agree­ments
  • Ques­ti­ons about com­pany em­ployee re­pre­sen­ta­tion ru­les, es­pe­cially re­viewing, draf­ting and ne­go­tia­ting works coun­cil agree­ments and plans to avert hardship in case of lay­offs
  • Avo­idance of sham in­de­pen­dent con­trac­tor sta­tus
  • So­cial se­cu­rity for ar­tists
  • Sta­tus de­ter­mi­na­ti­ons in so­cial se­cu­rity law
  • Re­pre­sen­ta­tion be­fore la­bor courts, ci­vil and so­cial se­cu­rity courts anywhere in Ger­many
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