

Corporate Fitness

How fit does a com­pany have to be in ti­mes of in­ten­si­fy­ing com­pe­ti­tion and glo­bal mar­kets to at­tain a lea­ding po­si­tion or to suc­cess­fully de­fend it?

The an­swer to this ques­tion shows that in­ter­na­tio­na­liza­tion, go­ing green, new mar­kets and busi­ness mo­dels, and a chan­ging working world are de­man­ding an in­cre­asing per­sis­tence, power, and coor­di­na­tion from all mar­ket par­ti­ci­pants. The con­sen­sus (es­pe­cially in the mid­mar­ket) is that in the fu­ture, the race will go to whoever has the abi­lity to act fle­xi­bly, ef­fi­ci­ently, and ul­ti­mately pro­fi­ta­bly. Our “cor­po­rate fit­ness” ap­proach of­fers clear ad­van­ta­ges here.

What we of­fer

Our “cor­po­rate fit­ness” ap­proach spe­cia­li­zes in ma­king com­pa­nies lea­ner, more fle­xi­ble, more ef­fi­ci­ent, and ul­ti­mately more pro­fi­ta­ble. It will give you a com­pe­ti­tive edge in your core busi­ness and will also make you suc­cess­ful in the long run. In cor­po­rate fit­ness pro­jects we help ma­nage­ment work out and smoothly im­ple­ment wha­te­ver mea­su­res are ne­cessary. Con­cre­tely this me­ans that we spe­cify how pro­ces­ses and struc­tures can be op­ti­mi­zed with re­gard to lead ti­mes, costs, and qua­lity.

Our cli­ents have con­fir­med it again and again:

Our work and our pas­sion for cor­po­rate fit­ness pro­vi­des si­gni­fi­cant ad­ded va­lue. To be spe­ci­fic, our cli­ents ge­ne­rally rea­lize pro­fits that are many ti­mes what they paid us wi­thin the space of two or th­ree years.

How we work

Our ap­proach enab­les our cli­ents to at­tain lea­ding po­si­ti­ons in the mar­ket with their core busi­ness ope­ra­ti­ons. Each cor­po­rate fit­ness pro­ject fol­lows a clear and com­pre­hen­si­ble pro­cess to that end.

Am­bi­tious goals

The first task is to for­mu­late am­bi­tious but rea­listic goals. How can per­for­mance be im­pro­ved while ope­ra­ting at full ca­pa­city? We also firmly fix the me­thod, bud­get, and ti­me­line for the pro­ject.

To the point

We then be­gin our ana­ly­sis and eva­lua­tion of the ac­tual si­tua­tion ac­cor­ding to the 80:20 prin­ci­ple, in or­der to iden­tify the main areas and le­vers with po­ten­tial for op­ti­mi­zing the com­pany. Some of the areas ex­ami­ned here are: or­ga­niza­tio­nal com­ple­xity, in­ter­faces, as­si­gn­ment of tasks, areas of com­pe­tence and re­spon­si­bi­li­ties, ca­pa­bi­li­ties and er­ror ra­tes. We take an on­site look at pro­ces­ses, struc­tures, and in­cen­tive and ma­nage­ment sche­mes and ques­tion ever­ything that stands out: du­pli­cate tasks, los­ses, pro­ce­du­ral er­rors, struc­tu­ral re­dun­dan­cies, etc. It’s also im­port­ant to us from the very be­gin­ning to work clo­sely with your ex­perts as a team. That’s how we’re able not only to iden­tify room for po­ten­tial im­pro­ve­ments but also to keep ever­yone happy, ma­nage­ment and em­ployees alike.


As soon as we’ve iden­ti­fied and prio­ri­ti­zed the best ways to im­prove your com­pany, we start pre­pa­ring the mas­ter­plan for their im­ple­men­ta­tion. The plan in­clu­des a state­ment of goals, all quan­ti­ta­tive tar­get fi­gu­res, and de­tai­led in­struc­tions for im­ple­men­ta­tion in the right chro­no­lo­gi­cal or­der. Here once again we will make in­ten­sive use of em­ployees from re­le­vant parts of your or­ga­niza­tion. This enab­les us on the one hand to trans­fer our know­ledge to your em­ployees and on the other to en­sure that ever­yone’s mo­ti­va­ted to par­ti­ci­pate in the chan­ges and stays en­ga­ged. And we’ll do all of this with ef­fi­ci­ency, com­mit­ment, and pur­pose.

At the end of the day, you’ll see con­crete chan­ges, mea­sura­ble im­pro­ve­ments in lead ti­mes, costs, and qua­lity, and em­ployees who are qua­li­fied in both me­thod and con­tent.

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