

Our training offers

Whe­ther star­ting out on your new ca­reer at RSM Eb­ner Stolz as a stu­dent who has de­ve­lo­ped a clear in­te­rest in a spe­ci­fic field or as a la­te­ral ent­rant com­ing from ano­ther field who al­re­ady has prac­tical ex­pe­ri­ence in their core field: the ques­ti­ons are al­ways the same. How can I de­ve­lop my know­ledge in this core field of ex­per­tise? Which cli­ents are par­ti­cu­larly well-sui­ted for me to de­ve­lop my ex­per­tise? How can I gain the re­qui­red vi­si­bi­lity re­gar­ding my ex­per­tise? What sup­port do I need (pro­fes­sio­nal, per­so­nal, soft skills) to drive for­ward my po­si­tion in the core field of ex­per­tise and to re­main up-to-date?

Due to the wide spec­trum of le­gal ser­vices that RSM Eb­ner Stolz of­fers there are quite fre­quently col­lea­gues who work in the same or a clo­sely-re­la­ted field of law and are avail­able to act as spar­ring part­ners to bounce your ideas off and plan the next steps be­fore put­ting them into prac­tice. RSM Eb­ner Stolz works with ex­ter­nal ser­vice pro­vi­ders in or­der to of­fer tailo­red up-to-date trai­ning of­fers with the re­qui­site de­gree of spe­cia­liza­tion that match each in­di­vi­dual’s ex­pec­ta­ti­ons. We will hap­pily ad­dress your pro­po­sals for sui­ta­ble trai­ning pro­grams and net­wor­king events and will give you the ne­cessary space to rea­lize them. RSM Eb­ner Stolz places par­ti­cu­lar fo­cus on the trai­ning of soft skills. To­ge­ther with skil­led trai­ning pro­fes­sio­nals, RSM Eb­ner Stolz of­fers se­mi­nars and work­shops on im­port­ant is­sues of day-to-day work which have been lar­gely igno­red in the trai­ning of le­gal pro­fes­sio­nals to date. Some ex­am­ples are pre­sen­ta­tion tech­ni­ques: al­ter­na­ti­ves to Power­Point, pro­ject ma­nage­ment, lea­dership, ne­go­tia­ting stra­te­gies...

On ac­count of the mul­ti­di­sci­pli­nary ap­proach pur­sued by RSM Eb­ner Stolz, there are fre­quently chal­len­ges when it co­mes to es­ta­blis­hing in­ter­faces bet­ween di­sci­plines as well as the new areas of busi­ness waiting to be dis­co­vered and ser­ved by mo­ti­va­ted col­lea­gues. As a re­sult there are al­ways new op­por­tu­nities for ex­pan­ding a busi­ness line or ex­ten­ding it to re­la­ted fields. This is par­ti­cu­larly true with re­gard to the nu­me­rous areas of law that have come up re­cently at RSM Eb­ner Stolz and have seen sub­stan­tial ex­pan­sion. Ex­am­ples in­clude me­di­cal law, en­ergy le­gis­la­tion, ban­king law, su­per­vi­sory law and IT law. Re­gu­lar happy hours with Kölsch and non-al­co­ho­lic drinks on the roof-top ter­race with a view of the ca­the­dral of­fer a great op­por­tu­nity to swap no­tes and talk about your pro­fes­sio­nal ex­pe­ri­ence. Li­ke­wise, in­ter­di­sci­pli­nary brown bag mee­tings play a si­mi­lar role. Here col­lea­gues can in­for­mally dis­cuss pro­fes­sio­nal to­pics but also the la­test de­ve­lop­ments or en­ga­ge­ments in the fields over lunch or cof­fee.

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