
Dual course of study: Secondary school students and trainees

Dual course of study

Af­ter you’ve suc­cess­fully com­ple­ted school, would you like to com­bine theory and prac­tice and stand on your own two feet while still enjoy­ing an aca­de­mic edu­ca­tion? You can kill two birds with one stone th­rough a dual course of study with Eb­ner Stolz.

We will take over your prac­tical trai­ning in ac­coun­ting and tax con­sul­ting, and you will study at the Coope­ra­tive State Uni­ver­sity, fo­cu­sing on ac­coun­ting & con­trol­ling, health & so­cial ser­vices, or ta­xes & au­diting.

Length of study: six se­mes­ters

Be­gin­ning of study: Oc­to­ber of each year

De­gree: Ba­che­lor of Arts

Prerequisites/what you contribute:

  • Very good or good in high school, and most im­port­antly, very good or good per­for­mance in the pro­fes­sio­nally re­le­vant cour­ses (Ger­man, Math, Eng­lish, and ac­coun­ting and busi­ness if ap­plica­ble)
  • In­te­rest in tax con­sul­ting and ac­coun­ting
  • A thirst for know­ledge, wil­ling­ness to learn and work hard
  • Good com­pu­ter skills and know­ledge of Eng­lish

Here’s what you can expect from us:

  • A wide range of op­ti­ons for trai­ning and a job full of va­riety with ex­citing tasks and as­si­gn­ments
  • Highly mo­ti­va­ted teams that will be glad to have you as a mem­ber
  • Di­verse op­por­tu­nities for learning and fur­ther edu­ca­tion
  • Fi­nan­cial in­de­pen­dence due to at­trac­tive com­pen­sa­tion du­ring trai­ning
  • Em­ploy­ment as a team as­sis­tant af­ter stu­dies are com­plete
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