
Training: Secondary school students and trainees


Would you like to get a taste of the of­fice en­viron­ment im­me­dia­tely af­ter fi­nis­hing high school? Do you want to make some mo­ney, get your first prac­tical ex­pe­ri­ence in the working world, and start trai­ning for a steady but am­bi­tious ca­reer? If so, you should ap­ply to start your trai­ning with us as a tax or of­fice clerk.

Length of trai­ning: two to th­ree years de­pen­ding on type of di­ploma

Be­gin­ning of trai­ning pro­gram: Sep­tem­ber of each year

Prerequisites/what you contribute:

  • Very good or good gra­des in high school, and most im­port­antly, very good or good per­for­mance in the pro­fes­sio­nally re­le­vant cour­ses (Ger­man, ma­the­ma­tics, and book­kee­ping and busi­ness if ap­plica­ble)
  • In­te­rest in tax con­sul­ting and ac­coun­ting
  • A thirst for know­ledge, wil­ling­ness to learn and work hard

Here’s what you can expect from us:

  • A wide range of op­ti­ons for trai­ning and a job full of va­riety with ex­citing tasks and as­si­gn­ments
  • Highly mo­ti­va­ted teams that will be glad to have you as a mem­ber
  • Di­verse op­por­tu­nities for learning and fur­ther edu­ca­tion
  • Fi­nan­cial in­de­pen­dence due to at­trac­tive com­pen­sa­tion du­ring trai­ning
  • Em­ploy­ment af­ter trai­ning is com­plete
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