

Our values

Openness and trust are the hallmarks of our work together

We quickly clear up ir­ri­ta­ti­ons and deal with both hid­den and open con­flicts im­me­dia­tely. An­yone who’s got so­me­thing on their mind should say it

Our values© Thinkstock

We esteem and respect everyone

Ar­gu­ments shouldn’t be per­so­nal but ba­sed on the facts. The im­port­ant thing is that ever­yone ar­ri­ves at the so­lu­tion with head held high.

We rely on each other, because each of us works with discipline

Each of us is com­ple­tely com­mit­ted to his work and keeps his pro­mi­ses. Re­sting or pur­suing per­so­nal am­bi­ti­ons on so­meone else’s dime is not ac­cep­ta­ble

We give ourselves credit, but also give and receive constructive criticism

An­yone who earns praise should re­ceive it and can be proud of it. When we give cri­ti­cism, we do it in a way that is mo­ti­vating, en­cou­ra­ging, and not at all heavy-han­ded

We provide information quickly and transparently

Wha­te­ver an in­di­vi­dual em­ployee needs to know to do his job he’ll hear from us di­rectly, cle­arly, and pur­po­se­fully.

We make time for one another

The cli­ent co­mes first. And at the same time, we make it a daily goal to leave time for con­ver­sa­ti­ons with col­lea­gues and em­ployees – or else to make time for it. To show app­re­cia­tion or give some quick feed­back is cer­tainly no waste of time

Good manners, politeness, and punctuality are simply a given for us

A fri­endly “hello” or a smile says more than a thousand words. It’s okay if so­meone’s oc­ca­sio­nally late – but only if they give us a heads-up.

Everyone needs to set a good example, especially the management

That ap­plies even to things that seem tri­vial.

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