
The Firm


RIGHT IN YOUR BACKYARD. Are you looking for a reliable contact partner in your vicinity? Would you like to meet with us in person instead of getting advice over the phone or email? No problem – we’re never far away.

It's im­port­ant for you to be able to re­ach us, and it's im­port­ant for us to be lo­ca­ted near you. Our con­sul­tants ne­ver get stuck be­hind their desk; we’ll be glad to come to your com­pany when it's time to au­dit your fi­nan­cial state­ments or ob­tain tax ad­vice. The ad­ded va­lue for you: you’ll be­ne­fit from easy ac­cess to us, and our per­so­nal con­tact with the re­le­vant de­part­ments at your firm will make it ea­sier for us to de­ter­mine whe­ther there’s a need to take any fur­ther ac­tion.

We are there for you at 15 lo­ca­ti­ons in all ma­jor Ger­man ci­ties and busi­ness cen­ters.