
The Firm

Ebner Stolz Hamburg is on the move!

Due to the com­pany’s sus­tai­ned growth, the au­dit, tax, le­gal and con­sul­ting ser­vices firm Eb­ner Stolz has out­grown its of­fice in Ham­burg. 120 em­ployees mo­ved into No. 10, Ad­mi­ra­li­taet­strasse twelve years ago, but the of­fice in Ham­burg now em­ploys over 200 staff. As a re­sult, Eb­ner Stolz’s cur­rent of­fice, “Haus am Fleet”, is too small to house its con­side­ra­ble num­ber of em­ployees.

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Off to new ho­ri­zons: the Ham­burg team mo­ved to its new of­fice on No. 1 Lud­wig-Er­hard-Strasse on the 1 June 2014 just down the road from the old of­fice. “Up un­til now, 35 col­lea­gues have been lo­ca­ted in ano­ther buil­ding but the move will mean that all em­ployees are fi­nally able to work un­der one roof again. This leads to more ef­fi­ci­ent working and also sup­ports coope­ra­tion and to­ge­ther­ness”, says a thril­led Klaus Krink, who has been a la­wyer and part­ner in the Ham­burg of­fice since 1996 at what was for­merly Mo­en­ning & Part­ner which then mer­ged in 2009 with con­sul­tants from Co­lo­gne and Stutt­gart to be­come Eb­ner Stolz Mo­en­ning Ba­chem. Since 2013, the com­pany has ope­ra­ted un­der the name Eb­ner Stolz.

Du­ring its twelve years in the Ad­mi­ra­li­taets­strasse, the of­fice has de­ve­lo­ped very po­si­tively and in­crea­sed its tur­no­ver by 87% from about 11m Euro to 20.6m Euro in 2013. “We can be es­pe­cially proud be­cause our of­fice has only grown or­ga­ni­cally. The na­ti­onwide mer­ger in 2009 made us more ef­fec­tive as an or­ga­ni­sa­tion. The brand Eb­ner Stolz is now very well es­ta­blis­hed in the mar­ket”, com­ments Krink of the de­ve­lop­ment over the last few years. The com­pany has ser­ved cli­ents from va­rious bran­ches over a long pe­riod of time and has very high qua­lity stan­dards. “The in­te­rests of our cli­ents and their suc­cess, which we want to pro­mote with our com­mit­ted con­sul­ting and sup­port ser­vices, are very im­port­ant to us,” sum­ma­ri­ses Krink as the vi­sion of Eb­ner Stolz. For ex­am­ple, com­pa­nies such as ed­ding, Tom Tailor, the Ganske publis­hing com­pany, Nor­dex, the Otto Krahn group, the Block group, the Uni­ver­sity of Ham­burg as well as the Ber­li­ner Stadt­rei­ni­gungs­be­triebe are au­di­ted but also re­ceive com­pre­hen­sive con­sul­ting ser­vices from Eb­ner Stolz.

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