

Ebner Stolz / BDI Changes in tax and commercial law 2013/2014

Tax and com­mer­cial law con­ti­nues to be one of the most ra­pidly chan­ging seg­ments of Ger­man law.

On top of this in 2013 le­gis­la­tion was si­gni­fi­cantly in­flu­en­ced by the fe­deral elec­tion and the dif­fe­rent ma­jo­ri­ties in the Bun­des­tag and Bun­des­rat re­sul­ting in some laws ha­ving to over­come se­vere obst­acles to re­ach their de­sti­na­tion or fai­ling wi­thin sight of it.
In or­der to keep track of past and fu­ture de­ve­lop­ments in tax and com­mer­cial law we have com­pi­led a guide in coope­ra­tion with the „Bun­des­ver­band der Deut­schen In­dus­trie“ (The Fe­dera­tion of Ger­man In­dus­tries) en­tit­led Chan­ges in tax and com­mer­cial law 2013/2014. For more in­for­ma­tion see www.stoll­


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