
Venture Capital

Gi­ven the dis­rup­tive dy­na­mics in many in­dus­tries, com­pa­nies of all si­zes are see­king ac­cess to new tech­no­lo­gies, ideas and in­no­va­ti­ons. More and more of­ten they are loo­king to in­vest in start-ups. The mar­ket en­viron­ment is highly com­pe­ti­tive. Young high-tech com­pa­nies are also in high de­mand among fi­nan­cial in­ves­tors.

We know what trumps the va­rious ven­ture ca­pi­ta­lists need to of­fer to score with start-ups. We are just as ex­pe­ri­en­ced in working with ven­ture ca­pi­tal (VC) com­pa­nies, cor­po­rate in­ves­tors and busi­ness an­gels as we are with start-up foun­ders.

The­re­fore, we de­ve­lop tailor-made in­vest­ment mo­dels that are at­trac­tive for both si­des and avoid pit­falls in prac­tice. Whe­ther you are a fa­mily busi­ness in­ves­ting in start-ups th­rough your own cor­po­rate ven­ture di­vi­sion and ai­ming for com­pe­ti­tive ad­van­ta­ges th­rough in­no­va­tive tech­no­logy, or a VC com­pany loo­king to mul­ti­ply the va­lue of your in­vest­ment as quickly as pos­si­ble - we draft con­tracts that op­ti­mally re­flect your in­te­rests. The risks of the in­vest­ment be­come con­trollable wi­thout slo­wing down the foun­ders th­rough ad­mi­nis­tra­tive ex­pen­ses and hier­ar­chies.

You be­ne­fit from our mul­ti­di­sci­pli­nary com­pe­tence in every fi­nan­cing phase from pre-seed to la­ter stage: we find the best so­lu­tion not only from a le­gal and tax point of view, but also from a busi­ness ma­nage­ment per­spec­tive. This ap­plies to the va­lua­tion of the tar­get as well as to tailor-made mo­dels re­gar­ding va­lue enhan­ce­ment or exit via an IPO or sale of the sha­res.

We create trans­pa­rency for start-ups so that foun­ders can meet in­ves­tors at eye le­vel: Up to what li­mit is in­ves­tor con­trol and par­ti­ci­pa­tion ac­cep­ta­ble? What is the mar­ket stan­dard for in­dus­trial pro­perty rights or lia­bi­lity for gua­ran­tees? Which in­ves­tor fits which goals? We see our­sel­ves as spar­ring part­ners to de­ve­lop your busi­ness mo­del and bring it to mar­ket ma­tu­rity.

Our services at a glance

  • Stra­te­gic ad­vice on set­ting up your own Cor­po­rate Ven­ture Ca­pi­tal (CVC) units, e.g. as an in­de­pen­dent CVC com­pany
  • De­ve­lop­ment of a ho­listic stra­tegy from the selec­tion and first ap­proach of the tar­get to the exit
  • Sup­port in plan­ning in­di­vi­dual stan­dards for the in­vest­ment
  • De­ve­lop­ment of tailor-made, le­gally and fis­cally op­ti­mi­zed mo­dels for the va­rious fi­nan­cing pha­ses of the start-up from pre-seed to la­ter stage due di­li­gence pro­cess
  • Draf­ting of the con­tracts: Term Sheets / Let­ter of In­tent, par­ti­ci­pa­tion agree­ments, share­hol­der agree­ments, syn­di­cate and fi­nan­cing agree­ments as well as con­ver­ti­ble lo­ans
  • Safe­guar­ding of in­te­rests re­gar­ding va­lue in­crea­ses and exit sce­na­rios, in par­ti­cu­lar th­rough in­for­ma­tion and de­sign rights
  • Se­cu­ring know-how with the help of (in­dus­trial and other) pro­perty rights and the long-term in­te­gra­tion of know-how car­riers
  • Im­ple­men­ta­tion of ma­nage­ment and em­ployee share­hol­ding sche­mes and sil­ent part­nerships
  • Ad­vice on exit
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