
Corporate Finance

Com­pa­nies are con­stantly chan­ging: they de­ve­lop new pro­ducts or tar­get new mar­kets or cu­st­omer groups. These chan­ges re­gu­larly pro­vide new op­por­tu­nities for com­pa­nies, which must rea­lize growth po­ten­tial or ad­apt to the chan­ging mar­ket en­viron­ment, ad­jus­ting their busi­ness mo­del or ad­apting new ideas. The suc­cess of such mea­su­res is lar­gely de­pen­dent on the fi­nan­cing ob­tai­ned in each spe­ci­fic case.

Po­ten­tial fi­nan­cing sour­ces range from tra­di­tio­nal cre­dit fi­nan­cing to lin­ked fi­nan­cial pro­ducts, chan­ges in share­hol­der struc­ture, purcha­ses, sa­les, mer­gers, selec­tion of the next ge­ne­ra­tion to run the busi­ness and even de­ci­ding to go pu­blic. Whe­ther you need tran­sac­tion ad­vice, busi­ness va­lua­tion, due di­li­gence or cor­po­rate fi­nance, we will re­view your spe­ci­fic ideas and si­tua­tion to de­ter­mine which way is the best and help you de­ve­lop cu­st­omi­zed, va­lue-enhan­cing stra­te­gies to ac­com­plish your spe­ci­fic goals.

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Cor­po­rate fi­nance is the one field where ex­perts from all our prac­tice groups are re­qui­red. Busi­ness con­sul­tants re­view the eco­no­mic fea­si­bi­lity of the mea­su­res being con­side­red, while au­di­tors en­sure that the plans and va­lua­ti­ons are cor­rect. Our la­wy­ers pro­vide wa­ter­tight con­tracts and our ex­pe­ri­en­ced tax ad­vi­sors keep their eyes on the tax risks. And our ser­vices don't stop at the Ger­man bor­der. Working with our in­ter­na­tio­nal part­ners we can as­sist you with both in­bound and out­bound in­vest­ments.

Transaction advice

Cor­po­rate tran­sac­tions are an ex­cep­tio­nal si­tua­tion for ever­yone in­vol­ved, on both the sel­ler and the buyer side. Our Cor­po­rate Fi­nance team as­sists mid-si­zed cli­ents, pri­vate equity firms, fa­mily of­fices and other in­ves­tors with these chal­len­ging si­tua­ti­ons.

Business valuation

Whe­ne­ver de­ci­si­ons about a busi­ness are made, va­lua­ti­ons have to be cal­cu­la­ted. Our va­lua­tion ser­vices are cu­st­omi­zed to the needs of our cli­ents. Pro­vi­ding busi­ness va­lua­ti­ons has been a core com­pe­tency of Eb­ner Stolz for many years. Whe­ther for cor­po­rate re­struc­tu­ring, busi­ness in­itia­ti­ves, fair­ness opi­ni­ons – whe­ther as an au­di­tor, ad­vi­sor, neu­tral ex­pert or ex­pert ar­bitra­tor – we have a de­di­ca­ted team of va­lua­tion spe­cia­lists who can bring their ex­pe­ri­ence and know­ledge of your in­dus­try to bear in every va­lua­tion si­tua­tion.

Due diligence

When per­for­ming due di­li­gence, we create trans­pa­rency and eva­luate com­pa­nies' fi­nan­cial, tax-re­la­ted and le­gal cir­cum­stan­ces so that op­por­tu­nities and risks can be eva­lua­ted ap­pro­pria­tely

Corporate finance

Me­dium-si­zed com­pa­nies are highly in­no­va­tive, but in­no­va­tion of­ten calls for con­side­ra­ble in­vest­ments with the re­la­ted need for ca­pi­tal. So that our cli­ents can im­ple­ment their ideas quickly and in the pro­per frame­work, we as­sist them with their fi­nan­cing plans.

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