
Economic effects of coronavirus

Since the be­gin­ning of 2020, the coro­na­vi­rus has been sprea­ding world­wide at an enor­mous speed and po­ses con­side­ra­ble chal­len­ges for both in­di­vi­dual com­pa­nies and ent­ire eco­no­mies. Sec­tors such as tou­rism and gas­tro­nomy are al­re­ady ex­pe­ri­en­cing enor­mous sa­les los­ses. Com­pa­nies de­pen­dent on supplies from ab­road are con­fron­ted with dis­rup­ti­ons in their supply chains. Ever­ywhere there is a risk of staff los­ses due to ill­ness or go­vern­ment-im­po­sed qua­ran­tine mea­su­res.

Com­pa­nies in Ger­many are also af­fec­ted. Mea­su­res are re­qui­red to pro­tect their own work­force. Supply failures and dis­rup­ti­ons in ac­cep­tance on the cu­st­omer side must be coun­tered. Con­se­quen­tial ef­fects will arise in ques­ti­ons of fi­nan­cing up to and in­clu­ding ac­coun­ting.

With our mul­ti­di­sci­pli­nary ap­proach, we can sup­port you in mas­te­ring these chal­len­ges and proac­tively take mea­su­res to cushion the eco­no­mic im­pact of the corona epi­de­mic and in­te­grate ap­pro­priate cri­sis ma­nage­ment into the com­pany's in­ter­nal pro­ces­ses.

Our services at a glance

  • La­bor law ad­vice on ques­ti­ons con­cerning qua­ran­tine mea­su­res af­fec­ting em­ployees, cla­ri­fi­ca­tion of pos­si­ble re­course
  • Em­ploy­ment law ad­vice for em­ployees on for­eign as­si­gn­ments
  • Ad­vice on the use of short-time working al­lo­wance
  • Ex­ami­na­tion of exis­ting de­li­very con­di­ti­ons in the event of de­li­very dis­rup­ti­ons and ad­vice on ap­pro­priate con­trac­tual ar­ran­ge­ments
  • Ad­vice on ca­pi­tal mar­ket law as­pects as a re­sult of the corona epi­de­mic
  • Ad­vice on the ef­fects on ac­coun­ting
  • Ad­vice on li­qui­dity bott­le­necks and ma­na­ging di­rec­tor lia­bi­lity is­sues
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