
About Us

Berna Körpinar-Häger, LL.M.

Lawyer, Criminal defense attorney

Berna Körpinar-Häger, LL.M. (Wirtschaftsstrafrecht), Rechtsanwältin bei Ebner Stolz in Köln


Location Cologne
Holzmarkt 1
50676 Cologne

Tel. +49 221 20643-241
Fax +49 221 20643-143

Areas of expertise

  • Cor­po­rate de­fense in tax and white-col­lar cri­mi­nal law
  • In­di­vi­dual de­fense in white-col­lar and tax cri­mi­nal law
  • In­ter­nal com­pany spe­cial in­ves­ti­ga­ti­ons
  • Com­pre­hen­sive im­ple­men­ta­tion, ex­pan­sion and mo­ni­to­ring of com­pli­ance ma­nage­ment sys­tems in com­pa­nies
  • Le­gal sup­port for the in­tro­duc­tion of whist­leb­lo­wer sys­tems in ac­cor­dance with the Whist­leb­lo­wer Pro­tec­tion Act and take­over of ex­ter­nal om­buds­per­son func­tion