
Transformation Dialogue 2023 - Boosting performance in Pharma, MedTech and LifeSciences

13th June, 12:00 - 18:00 pm

In the af­ter­math of the Co­vid-19 pan­de­mic, ri­sing in­fla­tion, geo­po­li­ti­cal tur­moil and in­cre­asing re­gu­latory scru­tiny Eu­ro­pean life sci­ence, me­di­cal tech­no­logy and phar­maceuti­cal com­pa­nies are fa­cing trou­bled mar­kets.

As a new world nor­mal sets in, com­pa­nies will need to find ways to re­invent them­sel­ves, with fo­cus to achieve pro­fi­ta­ble and sus­tai­nable growth. Ef­fec­tive me­ans to this end range from re­vi­sed of­fe­rings to more ef­fec­tive go-to-mar­ket ap­proa­ches and stream­li­ned ope­ra­ti­ons.

Transformation Dialogue 2023 - Boosting performance in Pharma, MedTech and LifeSciences?© Adobe Stock

To­ge­ther with our part­ners, Prof. Roll & Pas­tuch – Ma­nage­ment Con­sul­tants, lea­ding mid-mar­ket fo­cu­sed con­sul­tants on pri­cing, sa­les and mar­ket stra­tegy, Eb­ner Stolz is hos­ting an event, ai­med at brin­ging to­ge­ther key de­ci­sion ma­kers wi­thin the in­dus­try for an ex­citing ex­change over so­lu­ti­ons and op­por­tu­nities to re­act to the ac­tual chal­len­ges.

Frank­furt am Main | Klas­sik­stadt, Or­ber Str. 4a, 60386 Frank­furt am Main
13th of June, 2023 | 12 – 18 pm

We kindly in­vite you to an in-per­son hands on ses­sion ai­med at dis­cus­sing the cur­rent trends, chal­len­ges and op­por­tu­nities and at the same time net­work wi­thin the dy­na­mic and trans­for­ma­tive Life sci­ence, me­di­cal tech­no­logy and phar­maceuti­cal in­dus­try.

The webi­nar will be con­duc­ted with Go­To­We­bi­nar. As a par­ti­ci­pant you need a PC with an in­ter­net con­nec­tion. You can get the sound by dia­ling into the con­fe­rence by te­le­phone or by using the loud­spea­ker. Af­ter re­gis­te­ring via the Go­To­We­bi­nar re­gis­tra­tion link above, you will au­to­ma­ti­cally be sent the ac­cess data for the webi­nar.

The Par­ti­ci­pa­tion of the event is free.

If you are in­te­res­ted in par­ti­ci­pa­ting, please con­tact As­trid Bal­zer.

Du­ring the event, pho­tos and film re­cor­dings will be made for post-re­por­ting. If you do not want this, please con­tact As­trid Bal­zer.

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