

R&D Allowance - Recognizing and Seizing Opportunities

More and more com­pa­nies are be­ne­fiting from the tax in­cen­ti­ves for re­se­arch and de­ve­lop­ment in­tro­du­ced with the Re­se­arch Al­lo­wance Act in 2020. The re­cently enac­ted Growth Op­por­tu­nities Act has si­gni­fi­cantly ex­pan­ded the fun­ding to pro­vide fi­nan­cial in­cen­ti­ves, es­pe­cially for me­dium-si­zed en­ter­pri­ses, to in­vest more in re­se­arch and de­ve­lop­ment. The goal is to strengt­hen Ger­many as an in­vest­ment lo­ca­tion and to sti­mu­late re­se­arch ac­tivi­ties.

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