

Operating turnaround

Af­ter we pre­pare the re­struc­tu­ring con­cept, we don’t aban­don a com­pany. We stand at the re­ady to help with im­ple­men­ta­tion. Even du­ring the con­cept phase, we make sure that re­struc­tu­ring mea­su­res are prac­tical, that the re­qui­re­ments for im­ple­men­ta­tion are trans­pa­rent, and that re­spon­si­bi­li­ties are cle­arly de­fi­ned. The more spe­ci­fic the mea­su­res, the ea­sier it is to pur­sue the cho­sen course sys­te­ma­ti­cally. That way, ap­pro­priate mi­les­to­nes can be de­fi­ned and tra­cked. But if a course cor­rec­tion turns out to be ne­cessary, we can do that sys­te­ma­ti­cally, too – al­ways in close coope­ra­tion with our cli­ents.

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