
The Firm

Mark Alexander Butzke

Certified Public Auditor (Germany), Certified Tax Advisor (Germany), Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control, ISO/IEC 27001 Senior Lead Auditor

Mark Alexander Butzke, Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater, Certified Information Systems Auditor, Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control, Ebner Stolz, Arnulfstraße 27, 80335 München


Location Munich
Ridlerstraße 57
80339 Munich

Tel. +49 89 549018-292
Fax +49 89 549018-241

Location Frankfurt am Main
Mendelssohnstraße 87
60325 Frankfurt am Main

Location Karlsruhe
Lorenzstraße 29
76135 Karlsruhe

Location Leipzig
Richard-Wagner-Straße 1
04109 Leipzig

Location Reutlingen
Ziegelweg 3
72764 Reutlingen

Location Stuttgart
Kronenstraße 30
70174 Stuttgart

Areas of expertise

  • Com­mer­cial and tax IT com­pli­ance
  • Ho­listic in­te­gra­ted ma­nage­ment sys­tems (ISMS, DPMS, CMS, TAX) i. a. ac­cor­ding to ISO 27001, ISO 29151, KRI­TIS / B3S, BAIT, KAIT, TI­SAX, DS­GVO, GoBD
  • Sup­port with data pro­tec­tion pro­jects and -au­dits
  • Busi­ness con­ti­nuity ma­nage­ment sys­tems ac­cor­ding to ISO 22301, BSI 100-4
  • In­ter­nal con­trol and risk ma­nage­ment sys­tems
  • Au­dit of out­sour­ced ser­vices ac­cor­ding to ISAE 3402 / ISAE 3000 / IDW PS 951 / SSAE 18 / BSI C5
  • ERP pro­ject-re­la­ted au­diting
  • Au­dit of au­dit- and evi­dence-proof so­lu­ti­ons for elec­tro­nic do­cu­ment ar­chi­ving and elec­tro­nic cash re­gis­ter sys­tems
  • Im­ple­men­ta­tion of pro­ce­du­ral do­cu­men­ta­tion

Economic sectors

  • IT ser­vice pro­vi­ders
  • Trade and In­dus­try
  • Food In­dus­try
  • Trans­por­ta­tion
  • Fi­nan­cial Ser­vices Pro­vi­der
  • Health Care