

Environmental regulations: Complex compliance obligations

Busi­ness ac­tivi­ties have an im­pact on the en­viron­ment for sure. The in­cre­asing ex­plo­siv­en­ess of the is­sues of cli­mate change and en­viron­men­tal pro­tec­tion is the­re­fore prompting both the EU and na­tio­nal le­gis­la­tors to con­ti­nuously in­crease the den­sity of re­gu­la­ti­ons in en­viron­men­tal law. Com­pa­nies have no choice but to fo­cus more clo­sely on their en­viron­men­tal com­pli­ance. This bro­chure pro­vi­des an over­view of the cur­rent en­viron­men­tal re­gu­la­ti­ons.

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